Long have a beauty tip represent

Long have a beauty tip represent

The so-called "beauty tips" refers to a person's forehead, hair root parts of M type, the prosperity of left and right sides is symmetrical, thefacesIn ancient times for the selection of those beautiful one of the standard, so there are now the name of the "beauty tips".It is said that people with beauty tips are usually very beautiful, even if looks general, beauty has beautification effect, boy if there is a beauty tip to try to adorn, more accurate and bold, if women have a beauty tip ornament, more particularly charming and delicate and charming.

Long have a beauty tip represent

Have many beauty tips

In the face, beauty is located in the edge of the hairline, belong to "Mars", second only to the fictions jagged faces, belong to Mars is not auspicious.While Mars on behalf of the father in the home, on behalf of the future in society.So have a beauty tip by predestination is thinner, with his father have to hard work and hard life, especially in the 30 year ago, is going to work for the family and life.

Poor heart with beauty tips

Beauty tip people in poor health and heart liver, because beauty tip belongs to Mars, Mars to heart sutra, but a beauty tip most competing more anger, so courage is excessive, cause the heart and liver and gallbladder disease.

A person who spends a lot of have a beauty tip irritable

Have a beauty tip is usually more urgent, more aggressive personality, curiosity is also very heavy, do things brave and decisive, with indomitable personality, able to independently entrepreneurship and implementation, and fewer people cooperation situation, and individual ability is outstanding, has certain leadership, but easy to pride ling, is easier to go out to play.

The thought is agile with beauty tips

Beauty tip faces one has the thought is agile, work carefully earnestly, the characteristics of early fortunes is smooth, belong to the young age, when reading because of smart, so at the top.Them to the society, are qualified for their work, make outstanding achievements in one area, at the same time as well, and positive, so also can get the favour of the opposite sex, and sex is flourishing.

Men who have a beauty tip

Long men who have a beauty tip personality spirit, work positive enterprising, but sometimes will show a wayward habits, it is difficult to listen to the opinions of others.Physiognomy think, hair don't tidy, mostly poor childhood living environment, lack of parental care to caress, insecure when they grow up.Slightly do not pay attention to others as long as seven in words, it could cause their discontent.If a beauty tip is too long, the area between the two eyebrows to extension, this situation is referred to as "broken", can affect the person's career and marriage.So, short of faces suggest that beauty pointed or eliminate, will be of great help for luck.

Men have a beauty tip forehead faces, if combined with high cheekbones and chin is pointed, at an early age is generally difficult to complete their studies, or academic, if the narrow forehead, early years will be a little worse luck.But if men straight nose, chin and plump and prominent, most have good middle-aged career luck, if you have any meat or cheeks are double chin, then in his late years are good.

Long have a beauty tipA woman

Tell from the physiognomy, women have a beauty tip is usually very gentle and shy personality, sentimental, is sincere, for emotional is more persistent, handle things wen wan, xiangfujiaozi, caring type that occupy the home.If women have a beauty tip forehead, the chin is pointed, born in career will have the desire to do better, is a man of knowledge, has the dedication to work.If a beauty tip with up and down the peach groove faces, is flourishing, beauty, rich.

Through "hairline" personality

Hairline founder

Such a hairline usually give priority to with the boys.Square, high, wide and flat is the main characteristic of the hairline.Pattern this shape can be known by the word "founder" to break the person's character, pragmatic, strong regularity, clear and logical relationship is strong.The famous presenter old beam, such as wang gang belongs to the hairline.

Hairline round

Round the hairline usually give priority to with women.Round on behalf of the round, this girl is easy-going personality gentleness, as long as the forehead is not particularly high, generally will not have a strong iron lady style.On the other hand, if a woman has a hairline, founder with masculinity, is a typical female with male phase.

Hairline messy

The forehead on behalf of the early shipment.Hairline messy, if there are a lot of hair like a needle pierced his forehead, that means person Alsace in my childhood, when I was a child more twists and turns.

Hairline M type

Also is our common many middle-aged male hairstyles, belongs to the typical overworking brainworker, consumption of renal blood after carefully.Person analysis ability is strong, work steady, precocious.But the excessive attention to bald or begin to thank a person by the centre.

Hairline low

Namely hair pressure eyebrow, interpretation of the above said, forehead on behalf of the early shipment, hairline lower bound to lead to the forehead area decreases, and then the person early shipment will be twists and turns, academic ability and thinking ability is poor, also have a great influence on the back of the remote.

Beauty tip

"Beauty tips" refers to one of his forehead hairline pointed, make left and right sides is symmetrical, an arc.Pecked Yin tang, the so-called "golden boy walk boundless", have "beauty tips" friends often young independent earlier, or very early to leave parents to live independently, time also early into society.Interpretation of the flange suggest that we can combine with beauty tips around friends see, this chance is very high.

Brow shape to see if you a wise man

Square forehead

In the forehead, present quadrate friends, practice ability is very strong, down-to-earth and responsible in doing things, is very suitable for job as a manager or management class, is good at grasp the essentials, step by step, accumulate over a long period of the outstanding achievements made.A rich man, there are a lot of people are square, this kind of friends can be a company, and the elite of society, the amount of the party's forehead too short (less than three wide), is clever, easy to lower class.

Party of friends, work ability outstanding, for industry need art talent and imagination, but is not very good, and the easy, and slower.If girls square forehead, masculine character, capable of character is very suitable for professional women, but Mr More caring feelings on marriage, or wait for mature personalityTo get marriedThat will help family harmony happy.

Round the forehead

Circular on boys and girls, meaning is different.Round the forehead of boy, good temper, tender and kind, treat people doing things, its own feet of a conscience, not too.If the guy, the amount of round forehead high kuo, career on the way, if it's low round forehead, then I'm afraid I was frustrated, especially early special poor, only end up to others "and" impression.

Girl's forehead assumes the circular arc form, also can be divided into two kinds, if low, round forehead, the beautiful elegant character, have sex, can the husband love after marriage, a happy marriage is waved to you;If forehead is high, round, is considered to be a widow, this kind of independent and economically independent women, able to send earlier, can and husband together hold up a home, and to provide substantial help when her husband died, her husband is a good helper, but the disadvantage is strong-willed man cannot tolerate others missing, if found out their own things, Mr Often than "a shameful life" reactions, leading to marriage, is to pay attention to.Like show business, high round forehead women, wedding were also more.

M the forehead

The forehead, the amount of M on each side had a full circle.The amount of friends, is a genius and wisdom, see the wit childhood, often in the creation of art and literature field lambe, can also, in some special technology developed unique insight.Especially on both sides of the circular arc form, with age more and more bald friends after work but also spend a lot of energy, natural disposition is hard to taste life suantiankula.

Basically, on both sides of the circular arc form, it is the more the more lenient geely, creation and planning ability can get into full play, if both sides circular arc form is narrow, you can only do imitation of artisans, rather than the creation of an artist, and easy to indulge in the facade of notice and enjoy, instead affects finances.Girls have a M, because of love and marriage, slightly lower the hairline, the possibility of more happiness.

Low forehead oblique

Some friends of frontal shape was low and narrow, and the hairline is uneven, have a friend that forehead, personality is not active, wisdom to open late, in thought, boys have this kind of frontal facies, is very bad.Father is olderTo have a childMother's words of many years old, big,The childSon to the forehead.

Regardless of boys and girls, have this forehead, good luck is long hard, even if intentionally to escape life need efforts, but lack of innate wisdom, personality, and is often wasted with white busy a sigh, if other parts of the face was born good, still can have a big chicken crow "slow performance, otherwise shall be suffering of psychological preparation.Have a friend that forehead, material conditions or social status, despite the fate not very desirable, but if the state of mind adjust good, to the best of the best of ability, have a clear conscience, open-minded view had some ups and downs in life, is fate to have you.

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