Analytical eye faces and comprehensive view of color

facesAnalytical eye and comprehensive view of color

Watch color must be god, gas, and watch all three color, only for good or ill luck of judgment, and then start to pass, otherwise, will be a loss into the false positive.For color is good, god is not necessarily better, in what is still slim, poor color is not necessarily a bright and cheerful disposition, god is still small, but good god, gas business, color should be prosperous.If our business under very difficult decisions in a dilemma, orThe testElection outcome, and strives for the officer's job is uncertain as ever, such as synthetical judge is god look three, namely to grasp the opportunities, in total, the odds, are very comfortable.Or nip in the bud, cut to evil, and even has born evil, and may also reduce the damage.The law, nine points mentioned below.

Analytical eye faces and comprehensive view of color

Poly color

Binocular white eyes penetration (note 1) god, poly color is black eyes light shoot people, although was poor, is also the main six months to a year later.With the color again as huaming in gas solid enough, imperial its new color jade-like stone, palm color reddish, deeply shallow light yellow is the color of big poly, the main man in lofty, move more auspicious, far to gain, fame, and can return fierce to eliminate the evil.Such as black eyes look is enough, only palm color is the color of enjoy bursting, active is good.

The color

Eyes. God, such as back color and fresh skin blood, ears, nose, printing, zygomatic Ming for the color, the main drawbacks, and all.

The colour

Binocular there is calm, her eyes slid back to colour, main JiQingZhi trillion.Such as ear baiyu face again, quasi surplus jade-like stone, can seek fame for profit.Such as eye colour, only the department without color, is the main without fierce also.

Dynamic color

Eyes shone a light, full to the face's eye for color, move is beneficial.Such as gas deep inside the Yin tang color company, again, like the dark heavy Ming like month of firing a new light yellow color, day warehouse "Ming Huang Run, eyebrow have CuiRun of color is more appropriate, regardless of the officer, and job, name and all.(this form bright qing dynasty god will send the goods, the principle of thick gas bright will be rich)

Keep the color

Eyes without luster, like Ming unknown, like a faint not faint, eyes diaspora gathered to keep color, not moving is adverse, conservative for.Such as four blaspheme the mountains again, like dark is not dark, seems meng meng, dark outside sluggish side inside the scan color does not open, more appropriate to keep color palm doesn't open, otherwise, the motion is lost.As I have just a little touch up should also be conservative, otherwise, easy into easy to retreat, often in a good or ill luck mixed in a dilemma.


His eyes darkened, divine discoloration is obscure, the main target incident.As faintly again with colorless, or colored airless, or sometimes red, yellow, green, black, sometimes one day a change, a change, sometimes three 5 are not beauty, more appropriate incident bad.But in the color purple, or blue, black, red with yellow bright red in color, with bad changes again ji yi.Such as binocular into god light enough, not only the main target and can back with bad, can cover god give us also.

Against the color

Two-day white eyes deep yellow and green color, main issues keep, can avoid fierce with its half, move the fierce set to.Red main lotus flower but deathless my renown officer again as punishment.Such as the imperial dark Lord again and heterosexual contact is bad (that is, the peach blossom or marriage).Like the blind shaft and nose red main oven consumption goods.Such as forest red dark Lord prevent againfire.Yin tang qing again as the main prevent an accident.As to court again black main waterproof eritrea.Should not be like again with flowers mixed main travel or horses and chariots, disaster prevention.In a word, one to harm color, there will be a part of small, dark born ghost not, should be conservatively.

Bulk color

Binocular white eyes has the feeling of depth gray, broad indefinite, a proud black eyes shining the color, the appropriate Ann a conservative, is bad.With color yellow black flower again as miscellaneous, or with a pale white airless, ear bead nose all dark, both for the color without gas powder color of god, the move has broken, the guardian can relief the half (color that color of generic call).

JianZhi color

Binocular disabled (note 2) white eyes, Yin and Yang is JianZhi color powder, which is under the gas to be not moved in yuan polluted gas rise, flesh and blood with five zang-organs don't embellish the zhao.Lord nagisa matter owes, in transit JianZhi, or lose the officer of consumption, or an officer of the change.Such as imperial like mud, ear meng dust, Yang three Yin does not open, I like to face look sluggish yellow such as mud to make soil hysteresis, the main man more diseases.If again with color, blue dark without light for making wood hysteresis, the main man many woes.As with color white inside and outside the focal person again to make fire, Lord is broken.As with color black smoke again as the fog meng to make water lag, the main man officer more than.With color again as dry white colorless to make gold lag, the main man more poverty.With color again as within and outside have fat to make god lag, the main man lost more.Above all big fear of color, the main fortunes, big poor Jian, every possible way, and all bad, juvenile main JianZhi twenty years, seniors who master life no luck, should stick to four fix (i.e., cultivate one's morality, take heart and strive for virtues, practice) wide product kaiyun gavel.

Watch law of JianZhi color is open

Wherever there is fine, the eyebrows (that is, the eyebrow of meat) will restrain propionibacterium acnes or ruddy into attendants, positive action.God, god will be white eyes penetration, black eyes light shot people, the heart is full of confidence.Have spirit of man, will with chunky. Flesh inside and outside all embellish, words and deeds positive and not lazy.Color as the man with a jade-like stone clean and no dirt, or capacity.Have JianZhi color, color are not god.JianZhi color is already open, should see the eyebrows, eyes, tears, post horse, firing five.

The rule is as follows:

(a) the eyebrows (the eyebrows eyebrow of meat) have green color, is the sign of good luck.

(2) YanHei eyes god light shot people, white eyes penetration, god also is the sign of good luck, although face color is still sluggish, also the main no big trapped.Such as black eyes light, 'white eyes be darkened, transshipment is life.

(3) the tears don have hidden good deeds color (that is, yellow or purple). Although face color is still sluggish, can not jeopardized.As tears don no hidden good deeds is lubricious, hysteresis color is very difficult to open.

(4) post horse hysteresis color, but Chiang kai-shek bright moon and Angle position in secret, for delay will open the character of color, transfer to.Angle of parts such as post horse quietly shining brilliantly, Chiang kai-shek runs sluggish, the hysteresis color is not easy to open.

(5) firing yellow-bright infusion, such as millet, is the sign of good luck, although with hysteresis color not 丌, fortune is still the main small ji, please have won.

Faces analytical eye color

The color of facial eye iris (eye)

Human iris (eye) of only three primary colors: brown, blue and green.Other color of the iris is these 3 kinds of color variation.Sufferer bleaching has pink iris, this is because of its no pigment in the iris, only shows the color of the capillaries.

Light purple Violet eyes, purple is rare, the famous actress Elizabeth. Taylor is known for its purple eyes

Iris color because of different shades, and in the east are dark brown.Eye color is iris organization determined by the amount of pigment.And behind the pupil iris is the outer layer of annular film, and the pupil is a round hole in the middle of the layer of film.In the iris group, contain two different types of brown pigment:


Brown color is the most common human iris.Brown iris contains a lot of melanin, dark brown iris looks like black.Brown iris is considered to be the human iris dominant gene, but recent research suggests this is not necessarily correct.


Hazel eyes is Rayleigh scattering and moderate melanin in iris anterior membrane layer combination.Hazel is hard to define.They are described as light brown or tan.Some people think that hazel is brown and blue color in the middle of the iris.

Amber color with yellow

Amber is common in other animals, it is more shallow than brown, rarely seen in humans, known as the cat's eye color.In Europe, or the more the more are hybrids.


Green, the color of the iris is the most rare.In Europe the higher percentage of the celtics, germans and Slavic people;Outside Europe, some of the pushtuns, the turks have green iris.


Grey is considered to be blue iris variant.Is the color of the second rare (second only to green).


Blue iris are common in Europe, about 8% of the world's population have blue iris.Northern europeans, such as Iceland, finns and Latvia about 80% more than in blue eyes.

Face eye color: a dirty look

A supercilious look namely eyes close to the eye head, forming a supercilious look effect, a supercilious look should be only one, not two is a dirty look

More than a supercilious look of his grandfather to a man of power and position, but once killed people, so the offspring will incur a supercilious look;And three eyes, four eyes, and two eyes have a imbalance (i.e. one eyes slightly to the left or right, the above cases and a supercilious look the same.

Only one a supercilious look representative can also riches and honour, but the two a supercilious look namely become cross-eyed, so only on behalf of the ancestral bad feng shui, your body is not strong, more disease later in life, not a long life.

Face eye color: two eyes

Two eyes is normal eyes.Eyes eyes in the central area, up and down all eye edge and no thief, just show white, both the left and right sides is called two eyes.

Face eye color: three supercilious look

Three supercilious points on three supercilious and etc

About three eyes eyes towards the following, form the above show white

Under the three eyes eyes on bias, formation around eyes and lower all show white.

On three supercilious look and etc are the main character is stronger, doing things at any cost, in order to achieve the purpose is to fold not rao spirit, so often can get certain achievements in the society, three supercilious look life will encounter dangerous matter more than ordinary people, especially in the officer,A fightA car accidentSuch things more injury.While the age in 14, 17, 23, 26, 32, 35, 41, etc., especially the age of 35

3 supercilious men have heroes, but often hero sad beauty pass, often for women for wind, cause failure, and even failure

Three small women will take the initiative in emotion, and take each other in our own hands.

And three eyes and six relative thin, ancestors once having a certain level of wealth, but because of poor Jude, so there will be three eyes in children.

Face eye color: four eyes

Four eyes eyes tiny namely, form the eye of the up and down or so was surrounded by whites, of four eyes.

Four eyes eyes tiny namely, form the up and down or so are surrounded by whites.

Four eyes personality was stronger than three supercilious look, and destructive.Their revenge is very heavy, terminating, rather I negative people can't others negative my characteristic, and is a hard to get along with unfavorable also along with it,

Regardless of three supercilious or four eyes, called supercilious look.Master its energetic, lust is strong, to do things, is a man of extreme personality.

The Chinese eyes face reading. It's light brown

Chinese faces eye color, eye color is dark brown, in fact is dark brown, but some people eye color is light brown to dark brown, such people are often very clever or very cunning, so where is good, he can from which side immediately laid hands on him, even him for this purpose, friends also have no relationship.

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