Halloween easier unlucky facial features

Halloween is easy to bad luckfacesCharacteristics of the

Said to "ghost festival", I believe there are a lot of friends on hearing the word was creepy, "Halloween," actually is not, as is the public imagination, terrible, just meaning head you from the heart some taboo.Said to "Halloween," actually in folk often this lunar July 15 this day, because on this day in Buddhism is called "obon", in this day is the festival of turn undead in Buddhism, so down from folk wisdom progressively extended into a "ghost festival".

Halloween easier unlucky facial features

Eyes sag

For the facial features, is actually refers to a person's eyes eyes position than ordinary people have depression, so the people often from normal visual Angle showed the characteristics of the eyes inward concave.For friends eyes sag, often in the face, easy to encounter some paranormal events or see some strange phenomenon, therefore in the "ghost festival" on the same day than the average man is more likely to run into the paranormal, for example, see "ghosts", etc.So to avoid the "Halloween" out alone in the day, at the same time to avoid a person alone to some desolate, clean place, so prone to some "strange" phenomenon, its own luck will fall.

The bridge of the nose hair black

"The so-called" bridge of the nose of hair black, is characteristic of the bridge of the nose position in terms of color and color, if you found that recently their nose, present a partial dark skin color or color, can be referred to as "the bridge of the nose hair black".In faces, often reflect the characteristics of the person from the bridge of the nose of hair black recently health is easy to fall for signs of damage so especially near the "Halloween" appear this kind of circumstance is often more likely to break on reflecting the health, such as illness, accident,bleedingAnd so on.So if you have the facial features, the attention should be paid to in the "ghost festival" on the same day to avoid some dangerous activities, travel at the same time pay attention to your safety, if has been sick intrusive friend, should pay attention to their own health more, avoid aggravated his condition by "ghost festival", do be careful to guard against is the best policy.

Yin tang gray

First small make up want to introduce you to the location of the Yin tang, the so-called "Yin tang" refers to the position between the two eyebrows, I believe you like small make up have seen a lot of lines have experienced the ancient costume drama series "black Yin tang, empty have a disaster," here refers to is "Yin tang" between eyebrows.In microscopy, Yin tang is known as the "palace", it is related to a person's luck, so if the color of skin dark, between the eyebrow hair grey, represents the recent shipping distance has retreated, especially if you catch up with the "Halloween" such a special day, so often easy to bad situation because of the "ghost festival", so to have the characteristics of the friends in "ghost festival" on the same day to keep a low profile, proceed with caution, avoid because of the negligence of the work and set a dangerous precedent for the career, this can be at ease smoothly through the "ghost festival".

The red wire penetration pupil

The so-called "red silk penetration pupil" is a term of microscopy, small make up with popular words explanation is the red eyes too much.For friends to have this kind of facial features, often easily in character in the irritable, the irrational situation, moreover are likely to encounter in life some totally unexpected.Therefore, especially in the "ghost festival" on the same day, the friends are prone to some unexpected unfavorable situation and killed the cat financial ruin.So small make up recommend to have a friend the facial features in the "ghost festival" on the same day to avoid, impatient and impulsive, so that we can, through the "ghost festival" for their interference.

The easiest to ghost body faces parsing

"There is a rural, as long as someone died in the village, the adults will draw out a few dust from under the bottom of the pot at the door, put the gate closed.In order to ward off bad luck, afraid ghost ran home to outlaw.Is what reason, no one knows, but people in the village has been to do so.If not, would be to see things not clean."

People often say that the devil is to point to the soul after death, most of the spirit of hatred.Then real ghost in the body is going on here?Real in our surrounding the so-called ghost, it is spirit, all things have spirit, not only are people, animals and plants, including stone spirituality can be generated with the characteristics of modern science and technology can distinguish spirit into a single magnetic field theory.Magnetic field is compared to a pool of still water, rises the movement generated around the water ripples, is used to identify whether there is a spirit in the activities, in our living environment is a complicated system of magnetic field, mutations, when magnetic field can produce the disorder that affects the central nervous system, behavior, suddenly become crazy folks, always nonsense, this phenomenon is commonly known as the ghost of upper body.The human body is affected by magnetic field there are individual differences.

Yin tang have a nap

Have a nap between shuang mei shallow hair (not even the eyebrows), emotions get catharsis and ease in the heart, more depression, depressive symptoms, the most easy to speech disorder, mental derangement, likely to be ghost upper body is very big also.

Eyebrows down growth

Such humans, most of the hair on the eyebrow is trend to grow at the bottom, this kind of person bitterness, jealousy and degradation, ghost is not in his body?

Eyes distance

This distance is relatively far apart, mental scattered, the lack of independent analysis ability, very easily affected by the outside world and changes, this kind of person is the most easy to the upper body.

The nose is too small, nose small

In narrow nostril is too small, thin man, have heavy fame light virtue, like don't like bad, this kind of person will often send a nervous.

The mouth, lips without package teeth

Mouth seldom package, gas, gas dispersion is hard to gather, god's own spirit is insufficient, will likely to be more spiritual being pestered by magnetic field.

Cheeks, chin is short

Being aloof and proud alone, poor's ability to adapt to the outside world, there are slight changes in the environment, will often insomnia or upset.

Ghost body is some superstitious, but it doesn't mean the does not exist, don't say science cannot prove, in the face of any phenomenon to deep essence through the appearance, only the truth.

See you have a bad phase faces

A, his forehead in depression, low, more grain, ear is low.If during the period of 15 to 25 such faces is quite bad faces.This period of time as the youth vigorous, but always can not find the north, after the fact to confronted with man will lose confidence.People have such a face had a stable mentality, and the endurance of service.

Second, the eyebrow scattered bone-like, wrinkled, eye socket.The faces, at the age of 30 to 40, business is hard to stability.Should the Galileo, do things look before you leap, don't mess about with fair-weather friends.

Three, zygomatic sharpening, bridge of the nose fine and convex trapped, hole leakage, small.40 to 50 years old of this hapless faces is the standard of zygomatic cut beam fine says you are in a muddle along in his forties, but also because before spending caused now don't tube bundle and lax, family discord, therefore, enterprise is difficult to maintain.Opportunity is not, it's just you don't have to grasp.

Four, next stop short, pointed, slanting, dark, gills.In bleak, alone in the face.Family and children are away from you, is lonely, and stubborn attitude, when I was young without love of family, late in life will suffer.So to reflect on yourself, be friendly to family and friends, cherish it.

Destined to bad facial features

A, his forehead in depression, low, more grain, ear is low.If during the period of 15 to 25 such faces is quite bad faces.This period of time as the youth vigorous, but always can not find the north, after the fact to confronted with man will lose confidence.People have such a face had a stable mentality, and the endurance of service.

Second, the eyebrow scattered bone-like, wrinkled, eye socket.The faces, at the age of 30 to 40, business is hard to stability.Should the Galileo, do things look before you leap, don't mess about with fair-weather friends.

Three, zygomatic sharpening, bridge of the nose fine and convex trapped, hole leakage, small.40 to 50 years old of this hapless faces is the standard of zygomatic cut beam fine says you are in a muddle along in his forties, but also because before spending caused now don't tube bundle and lax, family discord, therefore, enterprise is difficult to maintain.Opportunity is not, it's just you don't have to grasp.

Four, next stop short, pointed, slanting, dark, gills.In bleak, alone in the face.Family and children are away from you, is lonely, and stubborn attitude, when I was young without love of family, late in life will suffer.So to reflect on yourself, be friendly to family and friends, cherish it.

Five, eyebrows sparse clutter and inversed rude man character irritable, mood downs, very unstable, with very violence, bad communication.His life to do more, less popularity is very poor, life is difficult.

Six, double eyebrow too low pressure living man eyes gloomy personality and extreme, doing things easy to go to extremes, life meet obstacles, more difficult to have dacheng.And women's eyebrow green line is too thick, not only life difficult into marriage, and g.

Seven, evil man in the door, was unlucky feelings, life will experience many marriage;Crow's feet and disorderly, external oblique, or with black line, is wise and his wife, unhappy marriage life.

Eight, Adam's apple and rough, rough more husky man life, life often in travel, very difficult.

Nine, both men and women, if the bridge of the nose was skewed and explicit, Lord is more than the poor life, and is very large.If flocks and deep and has a dark stripes or spots, more living labor, business difficult.

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