Faces the reflection of the boys and girls male phase

facesSee the reflection of the boys and girls male phase

The boy

Master cloud: food color, also, launch the numerology, xiaowen here. just sneer at, just write a few hue, anesthesia, laugh it off, don't take it seriously.

Faces the reflection of the boys and girls male phase

Look a little story, an old monk and the little monk about bear color diligence, someone refuses to accept, is willing to do the empirical, the old monk monk thigh area small departments a small drum, make a few beauty to strip lap dancing, spring discharge, all the little monk saw, under the leg of tabour loud noise, the old monk is the quiet, everyone FuLao endurance of the monk, deep concentration can be good, life or death he who sees through the door.Extremely anticipate a closer look, the old monk drum was Zhuo wear.

Another story, Ming yan is tasted meat achieving tuan "kunlun language in wei yangsheng yue: humanity, than the men and women, men of talent, appearance, wealth, power, is only the introduction of incoming men and women, as is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine decoction of ginger, jujube primers and yi.Actual against men and women, if not just white males, medicine again good, also can't be takenA woman.Grimacing sequence and apply the dog kidney, the players on the human.

Small xu, arguments with phase principle of judge men of ability is a special skill, more than eight words, even with equal.But need eight is quarantine bureau, is the be clear at a glance, 'spoilers, hair analysis are as follows:

Nose is the foundation of zhong for wealth, with eyes, pale, rape, two cheeks, shows the degree of the riches and honor.Hue, nose for male penis.And around the shining, namely XiangShu TingWei so-called LAN, is the penis size of characterization.Nose for the length of the characterization, but you don't think nose is bigger, the better, if LAN station greatly, big long nose, but have a dead turtle is called, can very poor scalability, artists, Andy lau is difficult to competition with Jacky.

Eyes with eyebrows, Yin tang, three Yin and three Yang, mercury or mouth, double zygomatic, know the person officer your product order, with the sex, mess up, the characterization of eyes for persistent dark HunZhe god, too many premature ejaculation, eye bright diamond, lasting, sex and postwar side effects such as lumbago, acerbity, dry mouth almost rare.Is so can the ability to hasten chi through the eye, and the depreciation of the fixed number of year.

Mercury is mouth blood is among, teeth, eyes, and zygomatic, basement, double gills, know the full extent of blessing, lu how food, used for sexual phase, people know its in essence, how many people grow deep and profound capacity is much, people short, seminal vesicle, empty teeth is the organ of the sexual ability more, fine teeth power is strong, durable sex ability, teeth sparse, sexual ability may be high, but easy to early, often middle-aged and impotence.

Outer ear to listen to the palace, people live, white ear, shoulder length drop beads, general welfare passeth away as a boast, but none more sex.

Pattern of body, the ability of water form human lasting fulfillment, constant change

Wooden form people to meet peak sexually, for dispatch.

The shape of gold are lust, there are many high tide.

Soil type and reluctantly, insipid like water.

Fire is a high and dry, pretty fierce, quantity than quality.

Small talk about sex ability, in a small smile and happy, if any are well disposed towards girls, can with nostalgic threatened to choose a spouse, best beneath a yi.

Reflection of the boys

The female voice

It means that the boy spoke in a voice like a girl, on behalf of this person's fate is "broken home, wife is very bad.

Fine and curved eyebrow

The childNo matter, because a lot of differences between men and women is the eyebrows, if a man's finely curved eyebrows, the man must be very feminine, whether it's thinking, work or temperament will be like a woman, on behalf of the person's fate is "weak" career.

No beard

On behalf of the people of the female hormone must be too many, on behalf of this person's fate is "lost property", no matter how much my parents have a house to him, are likely to stay.

With my lips thin

This is characteristic of the female, but if a man have this feature, on behalf of this person's fate is "is hard", easy to get your breath is between men and women.

Action is coy chichi

The action of men with women, it is said that the person's fate is "rank, no life", indicates a problem with the bones do will be wrong.

Let's take a concrete example to analyze.Han Zigao is a perfect man.His beauty, beauty Chinese young treasure weeks, in soldiers, the enemy wave pike slaying of sabres crazy, but once encountered Han Zigao, would be thrown off the hands of the weapon, not a single person willing to hurt a hair of his, oh my god, the king beauty to what degree?He is handsome, by no means the only a beautiful face, slender his two arms, and be good at riding and shooting, beautiful shape, the skin, is great exception, fascinating and cannot extricate oneself.How many innocent girl, including be princess, all crazy like son is high, unexpectedly hemoptysis died because of the day and night miss.And more beautiful is Han Zigao soul, he was born in financial straits, person, have to have, committed prior to the rise of chancy there in southern dynasties emperor (later), he devoted all gave the same handsome couple, they with food for sleeping, day and night, more because of the high child a gossip, causes the chancy provoke emotions out Wang Sima gens, then two people fighting side by side, finally caused the collapse of liang and be established.

This because couples trivia and subversion of the historical facts lead to the han dynasty, in the Chinese history.Han Zigao because it is over, the first and last time in Chinese history, puts forward the concept of male empress although eventually vowed not to cash, but Han Zigao beauty, pour countries, the fact is irrefutable.Chancy died before, high-end water delivery, for a moment, to lay dying chancy with great comfort.So big palace, all are rejected, only Chen Qianzi high two people stay home, spent the last journey.High chancy, after the death of the child was unjust verdict given to death, just thirty years old.When he was 16 years old from a poor boy, experience in all the toil, built the business difficult, at the end of the chancy tandem with your lover died, short 10 years, his life is like a gold flash, epic, life would like high son spent so full, really has no other desire.

The girl

Look at the two small story into the bureau.The story about the ancient scholar.

Gu wang yan in a joke, a show just the next place, night dream with sister-in-law nudity, is the meaning of ass to ass, dry your grandma's ancient opponents, such as with bad.Dream big, busy asked his wife, what is one million head, his wife said with a sigh, officer person still don't go to, you see, you don't have hole in, how dare to take on the jinshi.Show just very frustrated, just show the mother-in-law of nearby, said, this is in one million also that show just wife don't understand, ask its reason, mother-in-law, you see, you two are back body relatively, a turn is not become people master cheng yen.Indeed as expected in the scholar.

The mother-in-law really master also to see the world, a woman is not the most terrible age beautifully dressed, reserved proud princess, but endure into old twilight, o beauty after dying, can be used as a strategist, there should be no problem.

Another is that there are two brothers went to place at the same time, the old brother, made the brother is fallen off and go home first, brother's wife nu scold yue: one female compatriots, you turned out to be such a waste.Brother said, a good wife, brother although is high school, but later can't use, below the work and boasted, "a stressed person, the live is completely ignore use, brother's wife after listening to a big surprise, for a while, big xing jun not stressed.Jubilant and told to the cat in the brother's wife, upon hearing this, elder brother's wife had died, the sullen, matter, elder brother to return, see a wife pull, big heart, seems to ask his wife, elder brother's wife in reality, his brother, anger yue: nonsense, that live or work, talk with sex, "on the rampage, greet send, brother wife not since wins, hot Ji, elder brother so long TanYue: want to have to I receive government degrees and, and there are so big officer, as a dick instead!

Men and women with a silver spoon in her mouth and age because of the change.

Characterization of inference myobu generally include:

Hair, blood, liver, kidney, spleen, soft luster for the top.

Eyes, the essence of the five zang-organs, should be god, but not floating displacement of light.

Nose, Saturn's post for the foundation of lucky face.

Double zygomatic, the characterization of endocrine, relationship between sex and a great influence on man's.Generally not high stand system.

Tongue, labial red tine is white, the tooth close to bare your women to enlighten the main renal blood.

Helix, no this, the woman outside genitals.Big fear cold book is dried up.

Above reflection of the key parts of this article is not about myobu, only talk about women's sexual phase.

Helix for women outside this characterization of reproductive organs, plump meat after taste, hanging bead for vulva shrinkage of government, helix plump rotund, vulva.At the height of helix is the location of organ in features, the most high, low, so the ear high prostitutes, such a donkey, no matter how beautiful face.So the author believes herself always helix is low, such as world-class herself Hillary.

Life palace, that is, Yin tang, the double eyebrow, between width and shrinkage performance of women's speech, "a frown, yu is tightening, systolic function first-class, eyebrows and pubes for how many degree of life GongYu KuanZhe, yu is yumen is big.Career women, Yin tang is broad, more knowable can work, sex is not too easy.Typical for conventional of career women: high nose, double zygomatic horizontal gills, bright eye eyebrow, sound well.Blood is profound, mercury's founder, Yin tang for women of intelligence, KuanZhe miner Rio is higher.

Blood is the people, for the length of women's speech, sexual performance characterization of persistent, long straight, staggeringly capable of not only sex, and endurance is better, the reproductive ability is strong, such as China shi-hong wu woman.Wrote the wind float in the sky.Microsoft has Chinese managers in the United States.

Teeth as the holy women organs, the sexual ability of organs, the big whatever is uneven, after is white or yellow, most easily into the base flow, you don't get me wrong, I was forced to make chicken is compassion.Not to belittle.Hard Numbers of teeth for women ability, strong close, high endurance, sparse loose, has only limited endurance, and easy have disease of department of gynaecology.

Oral mercury for the secret of the sex organs, thick lips are great seal thin, on the contrary, the lip thin grea t seal is very thick, so the lip, sexy, a prelude to a bit, can enter the bureau, quarrel, but also the characterization of herself.Spat leaves, lackluster, spat on the, the higher the position the sex organs.

Five innings, wooden form a woman the most amiable, trail, most is for the color male can, it's no wonder that the devil body load in demand, but the premise to alternative view, as a nostalgic cloud to a lot of things together with.

Is the worst soil bureau, innate is not suitable for sexual activity.

The bureau of the five elements, we can see Mr Nostalgia master crash theory written by phase.There is a good explanation.

Dare not to write, if the horse to see, it is estimated that another bollocking.Nostalgic after 24 years old, sexuality has shifted to the study above, aversive events, but also in the process of disgust prelude and aftermath.A trouble as feed reading work is concise, 2 it is disgusting that smell, not sit drinking fresh flowers, but the obligation to do, so hard and then change my lady of food, in food, with color, it seems, wasn't escape the essence of the wounded officer to take off!

Example: heyday of fei X


Body is tall, the devil body, wood sexual innocence, is really a blasted into with color.A trail.

Binocular flow, amorous feelings, easy to temptation, and coquettish tiancheng.

Nose long a large, clear its wealth is not low, the stock exchange is more rich.

Helix high thick, clear the phallic plump, flawlessly, helix is high, the estimate is volva is too low, use after an estimate is more suitable.

Blood deep wide, long known its sufficient qi and blood, speech unfathomable.

Most bad teeth, uneven, its quality is low, sexual desire.A beauty of a greedy for money

Yin tang narrow, can have its first-class systolic function, long thick eyebrows, but in the thick of the pubes.

Frontal low partial mouth, eyes, the pattern of wing, difficult huotang legally, and not permanent, but deathless my renown proof you might as well you look.

The girl male phase


Work well: work on behalf of the women who have a beard.

Late marriage, the husband will steal to eat: beard woman menstruation often late marriage, marriage, but be careful the other half is easy to outward development.

SIMS: around the mouth associated with little people, so women with beards are your breath and dog very much.

Husband nose (nose high stand)

Cause big swan: nose on behalf of the business and make money, high nose bridge pretty woman very strong willpower, fell down will stand up will not lose heart.

No marriage or divorce: the bridge of the nose pretty women are not suitable for marriage, evenTo get marriedA is also easy to divorce.

High zygomatic strong the zygomatic plane ()

Career success: zygomatic forceful, high forehead very enterprising and enterprise, management is very talented.

G, cause not hair: three of the zygomatic girls in the family like power, so often often refrain from husband and husband's temper.

Child unfilial: three of the zygomatic woman discipline is very strict, so the children grow up not unfilial, or want to escape from her mother.

Heavy eyebrows

Poor Wu Zhi, civilian: thick eyebrows woman personality is very masculine, suitable for when the police and civil servants or a reporter, to be official documents work.

The male voice

Career ruined: women male voice called male, male woman usually business will not succeed.

, death or divorce, the woman of the male voice easy to g, if there is no g, marriage also maintain easily.

Missing goods: male sound money woman is not easy to keep.

Adam's apple

Work more ups and downs: women have the Adam's apple on work easy.

Feelings more twists and turns but will get true love: have the woman of the Adam's apple though a lot of twists and turns, but in the end can get true love.

Many words are: Adam's apple has to do with speech, there is the Adam's apple is easy to many girls.

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