If the company name should be consistent with the product name

If the company name should be consistent with the product name

The name of the company and its leading product name is consistent, can be seen everywhere.Such as Coca-Cola, SONY, panasonic, mitsubishi, chunlan, changhong, midea, kelon, little swan, and so on.Some companies are different, the name of the company and its leading product name, but not serious communication barriers.Such as the United States Philip?Morris, marlboro cigarettes are the company's leading products, the world famous brand is marlboro, rather than Philip?Morris.

In general, with the leading product name companies tend to have the following conditions:

(1) the leading product name does not reflect the specific characteristics of the product and quality, and the relationship between name and product are tight enough.Such as haier group company in "haier", named after the production of all products., no matter how different these products can use consistent with the name of the company's name.

(2) the name of the company generally does not involve the concrete issues, because the name of the company must spread from on macroscopic to grasp the feasibility and credibility.To this end, the company named general than the name of the specific product has strong inclusive, abstractness and generality.If use product name company name, product name can not reflect the specific characteristics of the product, or company name and cannot contain more content, the spread of advertising at best only a single product, and that the purpose of the propaganda against the company.Companies promote basic purpose is to make all of the products and business benefit in brand communication.

So, whether the company name should be consistent with the product name, particular case is particular analysis.

Whether the company name should be consistent with the product name

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