Food companies, the name of the food company name method is introduced

Food company name method is introduced

Here small make up also the name of the method for share some food company, want to know what food company name under way friends can come in to know.

The name of the food company

1, the food company named after the name from the point of product origin

Food companies just as its name implies is given priority to with food, in the name of the time can choose according to the company's main product origin to the name, is a native of specializing in the production of food, for example, together for the company name.

2, food company named after the name from the perspective of the target market

Clear understanding to the consumers' interests on the market, a good shop name must fit the psychological needs of its target customers, suitable for the management aim of the shop and emotional appeal, so as to set up good image, thus increasing the customer's appeal.

3, the food company was named after the name from the cultural perspective

Business name for yourself, if it can be injected into a specific cultural elements, make its have certain cultural connotation.Can not only improve their class and grade, but also can attract the attention of more consumption.

4, food company was named after the name from the perspective of the operator

Despite the name from the perspective of operators have been abandoned a lot of people, but that doesn't mean that I could not to name, from the perspective of the operator is the key from the Angle of the operator to naming, must do clever, natural, but also avoid some restrictions.

5, food company name from the Angle of the products and services

From the Angle of the product name, the commonly used method is to highlight the characteristics of their products.For example, used to show its "beautiful cheap beautiful supermarket" operating characteristics, tell consumers the things good and inexpensive, trustworthy.This is better than "supermarket" in the consumer psychological wins the favor of the customer.

6, food company name from the Angle of the competition

Silent weapon shop name is market competition.If the name of good, can increase its competitive advantage.The name of the food company

7, food company was named after the name from a consumer perspective

Shop named traditional way, mostly from the perspectives of operator named, namely according to the needs of operators, choose their own name.

Food company case analysis

The name should be how the food company?For food company name without thinking friends can come here first to know food company named case analysis:

The name of the food company

Food company name a case analysis: xing

Baoding XING (XING) : day, in order to place.- "the poem lesser tianbao", successful, thriving, prosperous, xing yun, enthusiastic, xinglong, flourish.Guest (KE) : host and guest.First steakhouse.- the rites? QuLi, guests, the guests, vendors, merchants, travelers, objective, he worked tirelessly, inn, customers and guests.

Name analysis: xing = 168 = 2,,,, 8 (he is) on the hexagrams guest = 98 = 1,,,, 1 (dry) under the terms to: ty to day

Creative positioning: the combination of connotation is rich, to turn auspicious, which fully reflects the enterprise development, full of people, happy, fun, to name words intuitive, simple, and easy to understand, to small propaganda good marketing effect, make the company's benefit and reputation constantly improve, constantly growing, the company benefit and customer group also presented the vigorous development momentum;Commonly used name for the mathematical is 25 five lines of soil, there is a great success, the main soil, the main food, reflects the company's unique formula and preparation methods and means to win more customers, and can fully make up for the company and cooperation of the mandate of heaven first, head of the bureau needs;From name mathematical ty to days of the Numbers, but also fully reflects the growing trend brought about by the name, the potential of the development of the firmly, "joining, implement the national enterprise future development space is infinite broad, yu shi the career climb higher more walk more far, full of vitality and development firm, bonanza, to glory, this is for the sound shape characters, Numbers on the perfect combination of great name.CI principle: elegant and generous, to turn the modern, widely available.Commonly used name for the mathematical principle that the total number of strokes: 25 (ji) commonly used name: xing ke = 25

Mathematical connotations: 25, Angus, to exotic, overcome pride, of its own.

Hexagrams meaning explanation: for he to Yin, on the hexagrams to dry for days for Yang, intersection of heaven and earth, Yin and Yang and wall, are all things, very aetna."Small to big, auspicious, heng.From top to bottom in Yang and its aspirational, vulva, inside outside the gentleman, the gentleman long, small humanitarian away."Yin and Yang are used for enterprise is the only communication to KTS, managers need to understand the rules of change, Yin and Yang in practice follow the change of Yin and Yang dialectics of Yin and Yang moderation, rigid-flexible economic, false or true, parity, both inside and outside.No matter in any

Career are full of confidence and the smiling faces of the victory, has a tolerance heart, not pride, career will be more beautiful, divination.

Food companies named case study 2: treasure

BAO (BAO) : Jane also., "said wen, precious, cherish, cherish, precious, precious, expensive, worship, treasure, gem, orb, precious, treasure dian.

Optimal (YOU) : its optimal heaven and earth and Yin and Yang.- "huai south son original way, coordination, ample, rich, excellent, superior, elegant, gracious, graceful, superior.

Name: treasure = 20?8 = 2,,,, 4 (seismic ray) on the hexagrams optimal = 178 = 2,,,, 1 (dry) under the terms to: ray, big strong

I principle that contains rich atmosphere.Commonly used name for the mathematical principle that the total number of strokes: 37 (a common name: ji) optimal = 37 gold

Mathematical connotations: 37, authority ", the tiger out of the forest, appropriate the magnanimity, RongFuGui.

Hexagrams meaning explanation: big strong hexagrams LeiXing in days, strong growth, "just Yang, zhuang in zhengda."As the shock, for ray, the hexagrams to dry, for days for health care, health, strong and powerful.Yu have a solid business foundation, due to the constant efforts, will continue to grow, but don't just me. Be modest, in the gas can, can't seek strong, no, not much can stability, the stable and development.?????Creative positioning: combination of the name implies, rich atmosphere, can fully reflect the company in developing leadership and management for its excellent art and outstanding market performance function all in the industry, the constant development of perseverance, a sense of stability, stable, and give a person leave deep impression, conducive to the company's publicity, "treasure" contains a clay pot out of the best quality of porridge, intuitive atmosphere, in line with the industry characteristics, common name mathematical for 37 five lines of gold, such as the tiger out of the forest, majestic, can occupy the market share, let the customer trust, realize the nationwide to join in, expand the capital, and can fully make up for the company and cooperation of the mandate of heaven first, head of the bureau, conducive to the company's steady development;From the name ray big strong mathematical income Numbers, but also reflects the company's future is full of infinite vitality and vigor, sincerity customers, strengthen the process of the enterprise, the perfect combination of the name can bring for the enterprise name RongXiangRui gas.The name of the food company

Food companies named case analysis three: good sweet

Good (LIANG) : the world of work also.- "mencius", auspicious, head, head, be good at, mentor, bliss, lover, good opportunity, him, good marriage.Sweet (XIANG) : rice fragrant flowers, said good harvest.- song xin qiji in xijiang, popular, beautiful, romantic, vanilla, xiangzhou, sweet princess.

CI principle that corresponds to the market need, to spread, is fit.Commonly used name for the mathematical principle that the total number of strokes: 16 (fine) commonly used name: good sweet = 16 soil

Mathematical connotations: 16, heavy load, enjoy wealth and honour, fiscal officer fannie mae and Freddie MAC, fame.

As the gen hexagrams meaning explanation: on mountain, next to dry, for days for health, mountain big livestock, "impacted probity glow, renewed its DE.Keep good also, wade mountains."Day at the foot, health check, will have a big animal, large livestock hexagrams, high mountain and review what's going on in the world, the big r day, check r mountain, dry as into, gen, don't let forward, time saving, industrious, and livestock and rich, full, aggregates cattle, cattle, in the mountains hold metal ore, in possession of gold jewelry under the coin, can get a big harvest, divination.Creative positioning: the combination of implication is profound, words is pure and fresh and clear, cheerful snappy, better reflects the subject of porridge diet culture industry, the characteristics of "good" contains with grain meticulously produced porridge, smells fragrant, infinite aftertaste letting a person, the name words short and concise, can give a person with deep impression, connotation and etc.counties success, can open up the road to success, the great achievements, the company up and down together, vigor and vitality, presents the positive development trend, and accounted for four of the auspicious, to a wide range of publicity, the company will with its strong operation mode is stable, the constant development of perseverance;Commonly used name for the mathematical is 16 five lines of soil, the soil main letter, on behalf of the company, with its good faith since the way, to win more customers support, on a national scale expanding influence, and can fully make up for the company and cooperation of the mandate of heaven first, head of the bureau, together, seek common development;By name mathematical big livestock sticks, the mountain can also give full expression to the name of meaning: the company will be in a constant state of constant development, and to get the public recognition, can give a person with deep impression, and there will be a big savings, to accumulate wealth, development prospects, such as sun dongsheng, can become the industry leading, growing, and this is a good name.

The name of good food company

Is below small make up for all of the name of good food company, interested friends can come in under reference.

The name of the food company

1, Polaris frozen food co., LTD

2, when tasting quick-frozen food companies

3, margin food processing co., LTD

More than 4, the province's grain food co., LTD

5, warm heart frozen food company

6, the heng food co., LTD

7, concentric food co., LTD

8, love food co., LTD

9, think health food co., LTD

10, hao ji food co., LTD

11, HuiErKang food co., LTD

12, bear quick-frozen food companies

13, every day food co., LTD

14, jia hui food trade co., LTD

15, konka, the United States quick-frozen food company

16, fosamax hall health food shop

17, guangyuan food co., LTD

18, HTC food co., LTD

19, the four seasons spring frozen food company

20, new sweet food co., LTD

21, denon Internet trading center of green food co., LTD

22, mau hair food co., LTD

23, JiXiangLin food co., LTD

In the 24, food co., LTD

25, master is frozen food company

26, loose crown food co., LTD

27, guang yi food co., LTD

28, zte food co., LTD

29, tianbao food co., LTD

30, good taste food co., LTD

31, Yao Sheng remember food co., LTD

32, the three trees quick-frozen food company

33, Ming jiale food co., LTD

34, emperor penguins food

35, ding prosperous food co., LTD

36, it is master food

37, qiao food co., LTD

38 and grain food co., LTD

39, wonderful food co., LTD

40, wang sent frozen food company

41, chenyang food co., LTD

42, hong da food co., LTD

43, best hing food co., LTD

44, ice front frozen food company

45, huang yuxing pet food co., LTD

46, the new tender quick-frozen food company

47, Haixin Foods Co., Ltd.

The name of 48, food company

49, tian luo quick-frozen food companies

50, the letter fine food trade co., LTD


52, hong hing food co., LTD

53, never put off till tomorrow what you can get food trade co., LTD

54, tienhsiang food group co., LTD

55, Mrs. Le food co., LTD. Xi 'an branch

56, two ShangJian force food technology co., LTD

57, a popular food better food co., LTD

58, and food sales co., LTD

59, five abundant food co., LTD

60, global village frozen food company

The name of the creative food company

The name of the food company

More than 61, the United States food co., LTD

62, Mrs. Le food co., LTD

In 63, the green food co., LTD

64, nanxiang quick-frozen food company

65, emgrand quick-frozen food company

66, huatai long food co., LTD

67, fast meijia frozen food company

68, jian feng food co., LTD

69, tingyi food co., LTD

70, yi bao food co., LTD

71, store food co., LTD

72, food enterprise management co., LTD

73, wall food co., LTD

74, tian luo food

75, lu thick auspicious food co., LTD

76, tai mau food co., LTD

77, porsche quick-frozen food companies

78, everyone is happy to taste food co., LTD

79, flourishing send food

80, hengda food co., LTD

Your 81, righteousness and food co., LTD

82, the new soft food

83, meijia food quickly

84, QiRui food co., LTD

85, jin fang food co., LTD

86, DE auspicious rich food catering co., LTD

87, food co., LTD

88, bear food

89, the green food co., LTD

90, Japanese food co., LTD

91, Ann Wells food marketing co., LTD

92, kayoon food co., LTD

93, huatai food co., LTD

94, lawn area xin hua food businesses

95, binjiang food co., LTD

96, old food co., LTD

The spring of 97, four seasons food

98, embellish ji food co., LTD

99, the global village food

100, hing food co., LTD

101, the food co., LTD

In 102, "food co., LTD

The name of 103, food companies

In 104, the source of food

105, wenchang emperor ocean food co., LTD

106 d, people food co., LTD

107, the new food co., LTD

108, konka beauty food

109 food, warm heart

110, sino food co., LTD

111, kang large food co., LTD

112, the group of food co., LTD

113, huli district livestock food stores

114, the three trees food

115, the state food co., LTD

116, huaxiang food co., LTD

117, JinKang food co., LTD

118, constant embellish food co., LTD

119, knight food co., LTD

120, nissin food co., LTD

121, little of food science and technology co., LTD

The name of exotic foods

The name of the food company

122, the establishment of the sport food sales center

123, kyokuto food co., LTD

124, tao food co., LTD

125, tide township source food co., LTD

126, yuan fu food co., LTD

127, kerry food marketing co., LTD

128, tasting food

129, esaki solid fruit food co., LTD

130, and a food safety inspection technology co., LTD

131, green food co., LTD

132, TRW food co., LTD

133, all the hot food co., LTD

134, jia food co., LTD

135, porsche is getting food co., LTD

136, the name food co., LTD

The top 137, great food co., LTD

138, hong yuan food co., LTD

139, ice front food

140, devoted to food co., LTD

141, hon health care food co., LTD

142, the agreeable lei agriculture co., LTD

143, synear food co., LTD

144, yu hui tai food co., LTD

145, convoy food co., LTD

146, poly students food co., LTD

147, perfume sea food co., LTD

148, huiyuan food &beverage co., LTD

149, ache taste food co., LTD

The name of 150, food companies

Fragrant garden food co., LTD., 151 days

152, quanta sweet food co., LTD

153, sweet food co., LTD

, orange 154 food co., LTD

155, on health food co., LTD

156, Jesse lacey food co., LTD

157, German food co., LTD

158, energy source food co., LTD

159, emperor penguins frozen food co., LTD

160, porsche food

161, abundant food co., LTD

162, male, and food trade co., LTD

163, the United States food co., LTD

164, rose food co., LTD

165, hing food co., LTD

166, good taste food co., LTD

167, dream food co., LTD

168, w.y food co., LTD

169, the north star

170, xin Yang food co., LTD

In 171, the source of quick-frozen food company

172, longevity food co., LTD

173 #, shunde food co., LTD

174, Kang Shuo food co., LTD

175, and the holy food co., LTD

176, qi embellish food co., LTD

177, delicious food equipment technology co., LTD

178, the great food co., LTD

179, welcom food co., LTD

180, fuhua food co., LTD

181, prosperous food co., LTD

182, the three wise food co., LTD

183, sea embellish food co., LTD

184, China food co., LTD

185, eat food co., LTD

186, Mars food co., LTD

187, the peak food co., LTD

188, HuaQing food co., LTD

189, joy food enterprise co., LTD

Food companies, the name of the food company name method to introduce the related content

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