The name changed lack what fill what?

In the reception of friends of the consultation, often a vicious problems: according to the figure of eight five lines of the name or the name, lack what fill what?

Actually the problem is not new, it's not difficult to answer this question also, this is also a question of common sense must meet.However, because it is a common sense, so there should be no more to such concerns.An interpretation of the article before so will I, used to share with you.

So-called "name" after nearly 20 years of practice development, has constructed a set of more scientific and complete theory system and operation procedures, namely on the mathematical model of five case profile at the same time, in the Chinese traditional elements, the five elements and then give the corresponding cultural connotation, the name with a birth horoscope, make the name as a complementary form adjustment of eight's fortunes.

That's name have a scientific definition of the name is not the main factors of destiny, and eight are the main factors of destiny, horoscope is subjective, is born, the name is objective, is made the day after tomorrow;Name is subordinate to horoscope, in the service of the eight.That is human body, such as eight words and names is a garment.To measure the body while cutting, beautiful fit.People always want to wear clothes, and what kind of clothes is suitable for what kind of person?It'll have to see what the eight words need or taboo five lines.

People are the horoscope, is actually born time information, is only the digital conversion into Chinese era.After its ancient and modern human exploration, the power of symbols, and some physical and prosperous rich information.This information is the person born by adhering to the aura of some of the different environment, Chinese traditionally these environmental aura summed up as "five elements", namely gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

In a birth horoscope, there will be two or more of the five lines of aura, eight of the five elements is a kind of aura, almost are rare.And these five lines of aura, its itself is not good or bad, but the specific for an individual influence, there are the points of "bad".How to distinguish between five lines of good or bad?Judge a man in eight five lines of good or bad, is not how much to its theory, but as Lord of need or taboo as the only standard.

Lord, and said, Lord, yen, dry, etc., it is the center of a figure of eight, born on behalf of itself, this position is dry.Such as the eight words: not accessible, ox, c noon, decyl have, one of the "c" is the day of the eight dry;Or: JiaYin, wu-cheng, horse, national, "I" is the day of the eight.

In eight analysis, is a dry day as the center, to distinguish between other dry what is the relationship with the five elements, for bottom, so as to reach daily dry is weak or, from the weak or strong, and whether it is changed, the five kinds of patterns.Pattern was established, you can tell what the day of the Lord is pleased with the five elements, which of the five elements, the Lord is taboo.Horoscope is the five lines of ", professionally known as the "god", eight taboo five line, professional is called "avoid is god", the "god" is not a superstition of "gods", but to some in terms of the five elements.

Said, in front of the judge of a horoscope in five elements, is not the how much, but to day dry with cream.And balance is the inspection standard.Fake dry is wanganui, so, it is needed to contain, can inhibit day five lines of dry is with god, on the other hand is a jealous god.If the day is dry body weak, that you need help, can help the day dry, the five elements is with god, the opposite is a jealous god.

Some day doing flourishing extremely from strong, also contain suppression;Or weak polar and from weak, can't afford to help also helps when you need to roll with line, so in from from weak or strong frames, with avoid judgment is in contrast to the body is weak or body wanganui.From the strong lattice, can help dry, make it stronger, the five elements is with god, on the other hand is a jealous god;In from the weak, the restraint of dry, make the day to do the less, the five elements is with god, on the other hand is a jealous god.Lattice with the cream judgment is more complex, the inconvenience.

Above all, it can be seen that eight words need or taboo what five line, not by how much, but in need or taboo.If missing in the horoscope of the five elements, it represents the five lines of people or things will be fierce.If short of the five elements of taboo in eight words, that represent the five elements in this aspect will be auspicious.

So if missing eight of five elements, that have to be big, tonic.;On the other hand, eight short of the five elements of taboo, it not only can't repair, but also to avoid.Short of the five elements of taboo, originally is a good thing, may be, but if you are up to the somebody else again, it should become fierce.

This as a personal body health originally, his body while lack of medicine, but it doesn't need medicine, and you just suggest people to buy medicine to eat, without disease take medicine in disorder, is a medicine three minutes poison, also can damage the body or to eatThe dead.So is not sensational, the author has met in reality, eight already for some five lines are fierce, but in the name and he just fill up this very fierce, the five elements and to collaborate, real instances of injury induced disaster and even death.

It's simple, say, but hard to do.Judgment pattern with god, is the key to the analysis of eight, and not everyone can, also is not each numerology can pass a barrier.You're welcome to say that without the correct theory instruction, and in ten yearsGo to schoolAcquisition and practice the numerology of kung fu, is difficult to accurately determine pattern with god, so friends don't presumptuous, think just know a little fur, you can judge pattern with god, and to find out what their feng shui xi cream five lines, or ask a few more xi yi experts is the best policy for many years.

Eight words with cream role is very important, hammered out of eight and taboo what need, other problems were solved.Know they need water, for example, then you can do any job that is related to water or a professional, also can in the work life, from geomantic residence, five lines of jewelry and five lines of color, hydrating, consciously strengthen the power of the water, so you can make up the lack of life of eight innings, meet the needs of the eight with five elements, from objective, and avoid to change the role of dispatching.

Hammered out eight need what kind of five lines or taboo, the name changed, there is reference, according to the names because, after all, is one of eight packaging, modification and supplement.In this sense, the stand or fall of a name, will also indirectly affect the development of life fortunes.

Under normal circumstances, some not only need 8 or taboo a five lines, are generally not required or two to three five lines of taboo.If after a correct judgment, the eight words need the goldwater, it shall, from the name of mathematical characters xingyi fill up heavy liquid gold.If eight taboo the goldwater, it should be from the name of mathematical and avoid the goldwater characters xingyi.The usage, principle of the rest of the wood, fire, earth, and so on.

So the name name correct method steps should be: the first step: according to the personal basic information, from a birth horoscope and time universiade, measuring the pattern with god, and to determine a birth horoscope pleased with what kind of five lines.The second step: according to the required five lines of eight, combined with the surname strokes, design the best mathematical pattern.Third step: according to the five elements and mathematical needs, combined with the parents, or I will, selecting auspicious appropriate Chinese characters, and pay attention to voice rhythm, giving profound cultural connotation.

Of course, in the name changed, also cannot blindly go crazy, you also need to give attention to two or morethings arrives the good or ill luck of mathematical problems, considering the mathematical name itself with Chinese characters between birth control problems of the five elements, but also pay attention to the cultural connotation.Cultural connotation is also an important inducing factor in name, even though the mathematical characters may be beautiful, need five lines also swallow, but the lack of cultural connotation, this name also is yet, just like a beautiful vase, just look without soul and spirit.

Relate to this, when the name changed, lack what fill what exactly are, or what fill what problem, should be clear at a glance, no doubt, isn't it?

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