Shop name skills

Shop name skills

When named new stores can share shop name to refer to the small make up skill, believe that will help you.

Shop name skills

1, from the Angle of the competition

Silent weapon shop name is market competition.If the name of good, can increase its competitive advantage.For example, "any store" is from the perspective of "the shop" mutual competition.You call "wumart", I will call "beautiful cheap beautiful supermarket", not only good but also cheap, further than the former.Use this way of naming, the most important thing is to identify competitors naming characteristics, then according to this characteristic, a better name than it, and beat his opponent.

2, from the Angle of the products and services

From the Angle of the product name, the commonly used method is to highlight the characteristics of their products.For example, used to show its "beautiful cheap beautiful supermarket" operating characteristics, tell consumers the things good and inexpensive, trustworthy.Than the "supermarket hair supermarket" in the consumer psychological can win more customers of all ages."Worry housekeeping", "move mountainsmove", "heart be printed dating agency", "justice law", etc., are based on their own to possess the characteristics of customer service for the company.If you choose the Angle is different, can produce different stores, shops naming method.

3, from the perspective of consumers

Shop named traditional way, mostly from the perspectives of operator named, namely according to the needs of operators, choose their own name.This way of naming, now has been a lot of people give up no.Because it can meet the needs of, suitable for operators, but can not meet, is suitable for the needs of the customers, even can make the customers off.For example, "in the business", "rich store", etc., often give a person with "profiteers" impression.

4, from the perspective of culture

Business name for yourself, if it can be injected into a specific cultural elements, make its have certain cultural connotation.Can not only improve their class and grade, but also can attract the attention of more customers.For example, "a: rongbaozhai" is a typical example.The name embodies the characteristics of Chinese traditional culture.

5, from the Angle of the operator

Despite the name from the perspective of operators have been abandoned a lot of people, but that doesn't mean that I could not to name, from the perspective of the operator is the key from the Angle of the operator to naming, must do clever, natural, but also avoid some restrictions.From the perspective of the operator to name the most common, is in its own name as the name of the store, the firm.

6, from the perspective of the target market

Stores, shops after is it orientate to go on in advance to your target market, can from the perspective of the target.The Chinese community in San Francisco, there was a restaurant named "xiangyin pavilion", business is booming.The guests here are Chinese, more years of drift in the overseas Chinese, have a kind of homesickness.After work to find fellow together, to soothe his homesickness, xiangyin pavilion became their best place to go.

7, in its own name as the name

In its own name as the name, actually have a lot of Chinese and foreign.For example, "just soso scissors shop" and "JOHNDEERE" is two obvious examples.Shop name skills

8, from the point of origin

This naming approach, usually applies to the management of special local product shops, or run some kind of unique restaurants, etc.Grill, for example, can be called "Inner Mongolia barbecue house", "xinjiang roast shop", in order to show they provide to customers is the original sweat taste "authentic" products.Again, such as, "south Korean restaurant", "Japanese restaurant" is according to this way of thinking.From the point of origin to naming, attention should be paid to the use of origin is best known for famous origin.If be obscure small place may not have very good effect.

Store the name of the matters needing attention

Shop name not too familiar, let a person feel kind, novel, a name can give a person leave deep impression is a good name.Shop named have characteristics, can give a person leave deep impression, so the shop named must pay attention to the following points.

Shop name skills

1, easy to remember: good have deep meaning is refers to the name of concise, catchy, easy to remember, in the visual and auditory capture a customer at the same time, also in the depths of the memory of the customer.

2, good: good refers to the brand logo is marked, let a person look after the feast for the eyes, leaving the good impression of the goods or services.

3, deep, deep refers to a brand must have certain cultural charm or certain emotional connotation, let people when using this product or service experience a emotional enjoyment, a kind of spiritual pursuit.

4, special, especially refers to the brand name to elaborate on the design conception of outstanding individual character, in a image shows its own characteristics, the evergreen bush and show a little red.Shop name skills

5, good: this principle refers to the brand name sounds to be comfortable, not make the person produces some pain of lenovo, also not make the people feel quite often.

Store the name principle

1, such as the open shops to unify the name of the store, its PuMing with operator of the other five lines, then try to back a suffix, such as impossible, can add suffix hidden in the store.

Shop name skills

2, type of five lines to the shopkeeper and the five elements of business enterprise by the shops begets or the principle of consistency

3, from the starting point to name the five items by the behavior

4, and earth day frames between collocation has strong expansibility

5, the name of Yin and Yang attribute to the shopkeeper in gender

6, the name affect shop named skills when considering the surroundings

7, from shops toward as the starting point of the name

Eight, to take out one or two words from the shopkeeper name in combination with the project of business characteristics as the basis of a name

9, the season opening by combining the shopkeeper the five lines of destiny

10, word meaning to running a business by the principle of consistency

Stores the name and the rise and fall

One, such as the name with heaven, earth, collocation is bad, can cause the business decline, impotent.

Second, such as shops towards discrepancy, the name and can cause business fair, but thin margins.

Three, such as store name with operator name five lines of photograph is strong, can cause cause influenced by external force, make the operator care oneself of business enterprise, finally can cause loss of business due to poor management.

Fourth, the shop's name does not accord with the environment, can cause to have an uneasy relationship with the neighbours, prone to disputes, which affects normal operation.Shop name skills

Five, such as PuMing do not tally with the management project of the five elements, can cause, since business was light.

Taobao shop name skills

Everyone is below small make up for the clean taobao shop name skills, interested friends can take a look at now.

Shop name skills

1, taobao shop name, made the name that has grade verses.

Verses can make the person produces rich lenovo, and therefore can be named after the online material.

2, taobao shop can name in your shop name before the champions league on the shop famous words.

In the taobao shop name skilful use of in the name of the shop, is also a kind of good method.Adsense on the shoulders of giants and see farther.It is also a small shops of survival.It is important to note that the target name is and his shop's main projects related to the best shops.There will be a good conversion rate.

3, taobao shop name can be identified in name to your advantage.

Advantage in the title of the store, help to stand out in many stores.So this part can fill in the nature of the store and shop features, slogan, quality assurance, credit rating and contact information, etc.Such as "100" high quality super ladies "bag mail" crown "four" "Shanghai consortium", etc.

4, taobao shop name can use famous people or things as a shop name.

This image is a technique, we can image called "borrow a brightness", namely with the shop names and place names to name.Name + industry, is China's traditional shops naming method.Lao she tea house, for example, profoundly.Shop name skills

5, taobao shop name, the name can cater to online shopping of consumer psychology.

The perspective-taking, according to the customer thought to want to title.Can usually be taken into consideration in the following five aspects: meet the nostalgic psychology psychological need, cater to fashion needs, to cater to xi "foreign" psychological needs, to cater to beg auspicious psychological need, meet the curiosity.

6, with digital name easy to identify and memory.

Add some number, the name is now more popular naming method.Than, hao123, 114 etc. These are some of the classic example.However, Numbers must be easy to remember.If QQ number or phone number is not necessary.Generally speaking, a good number naming shops to facilitate identification, impressive.

7, taobao shop name can be in the name of your online store.

From commodities features and the corresponding consumer features two angles to think about.In addition, the function of keywords can also get accurate search traffic, conversion rate is also higher.Taken for example, the function of a shop name is "creative gift life kitchen household goods", when buyers use shop search, search for "gifts, household items such as" keyword, shops will be displayed in the search results.

Store the name taboo

Shop names have skill method, of course, also can have the name taboo, is below small make up editing for everybody to store the name taboo:

Shop name skills

1, can't with the owner

In the name of the store, the most taboo thing is some shopkeeper didn't consider the factor of itself, is purely for the sake of the name is named, unconsciously make name clashed with his own name of eight, after making store up, or business is not good, or one's own body suddenly have sent down.

2, avoid bad intention

For example, you are engaged in manufacturing and selling cosmetics, so good to be true.To login name "heroin" trademark and make consumers to buy.Then you might on an impulse and the trademark office is frustrating but again!Because of the word "heroin" is synonymous with the drug not only homophones and, apparently had violated the so-called kindCustoms and habitsThe principle of.Besides, some propaganda is poison!Both harm and destroy!Maybe you would reply: foreign famous brand perfume brand more "POISON", like "OPIUM" (OPIUM), like "POISON" (blow)??Why would they login through the trademark?Why are pretty in pink itching?It can only say that eastern and western country is different, different customs, different government ethics.Abroad allows swimming naked, nude sunbathing, for example, in the domestic, the relevant units will immediately determine your '" breach of weathering "or" violation of good custom "mean the same.

3, avoid is used a partial words

Brand name is a call for consumer, this should take into account the popular words in question, however unfortunately some trademark on the name words there are some very serious problems.A soy protein flour mill is own soy protein powder, instant soy milk products such as brand called "Gang chicken".Don't say such trademark general farmers, citizens don't know, I'm afraid even college teacher may not know everyone.We hard to conceive such trademark can become a famous trademark, it is also hard to idea this trademark goods can sell well in the market.The reason why some people use little-used words the name,Is a good name can think out from building can restore to find a nice word.So, the mention of the name, first of all want to column is to turn the kangxi dictionary.Little imagine, the actual situation is the opposite is true.A good name as a good article, is see the magic in the plain, not by the words and terms in little-used words and strokes."Cross", "founder", "Jin Linong", "master kong" these sweet name, which is not commonly used.

4, not with azimuth

Each shop store locations must have his orientation, from the relevant materials of the Chinese online numerology feng shui, the direction, which is closely linked with the store name is a good name can be combined with orientation to recruit, recruit people toward the east, west is lucky, and toward the north is hiring and etc.

5, JiYu obscure meaning

Meaning is obscure speech is too abstruse, look not to understand others.Like choose little-used words, meaning is good, but no one understand, again good also does not make sense.Shop name skills

6, not with taboo

Because a lot of shops now, natural corresponding many commonly used good name also have been used up, in order to come up with a special, no one used name, many shopkeepers will use some don't understand the words, actually it is very unwise, accidentally will make the whole store of feng shui make blunt.

7, avoid is used a polyphone

The name using polyphone, like using a little-used words can bring a lot of inconvenience to people's call, moral itself is not enough clear.With many names, names when there are two or more pronunciation is easier to let a person feel confused about what to do.For example: the sea restaurant, one of the "LE" has two read, read a LE, make a read, make people do not know what to read the sound better.Such as the following words have two read: line (XING, HANG), provincial (SHENG XING) and heavy (CHONG, ZHONG), she (QIAN, XI) at (CHAO, ZHAO), etc.Of course we are not about absolute can't use polyphone.But at least make sure others can determine its pronunciation, not read wrong.

Stores the name commonly used is recommended

Shop name skills

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