Dragon baby girl name

Dragon has a special meaning in China, so in 2012, the dragon baby and a good name is the icing on the cake, which is fastidious in many ways.Because each Chinese character in addition to the five lines of attributes, the dictionary meaning, and name meaning.Name meaning is through statistics, analysis, summarized a large number of names and the actual law of fate, so that each name needs to be very careful!

Name here is to write about the dragon baby, parents can according to their child's birth horoscope combination to consider, refined and eight.

Mann jade mining eu Ann son small soft language to ou Yang hai is wonderful autumn cold hear lotus xia zhi tong generation capacity day in autumn asked xuan

New LAN hai yao miao mountain qian yu xiang who are drunken frost cui snow hate cold sees half drunk qing rong dreams phantom yao green bamboo

Green dream also new fu van ling reflected real autumn's visit to the eu goose bamboo ying rui miao core solitary arashi frost condensation day pei shan ling tree

Peace book cuicui wind friends young cui qiao xiang qiao generation cloud dream man listen to cold dream also jade LingXuan visit ou parker also laughing blue

Jing summer night grey ice dream loose LeFeng parker read wei jing goose XunChun hate from cold mountain's turning to also have sweet find wave static man

Read Lou zhi cold grey cloud ice turning green really PanEr xiao shuang wan son if incense smoke, green garden every Xia Han man qin xiang piano

Rong YuLing delusion again double purple narration easy adjustment, cloud read xuan qian qing ling goose flat green MuZhen generation cold purple Ann cold Ann with core

Autumn lotus culvert goose who may wish to mountain sea also purple jade in accordance with the smoke pei ling Dan qin ling rui to wild goose green maple, Jane

Proud if red pine mountain summer sea summer cold green half also Dan cui read all brigitte son dreams coagulate soliton purple sweet Ann xuan, soft water cui

Book of soft cloud yi yuan yee willow frost magic south to meet double real half her book, let's visit to the spring to autumn small bamboo also dream son

Snow really cold spring culvert clear LeQing wild goose's visit to the wave of half the night breeze Han cold peach to read snow snow ling smoke to silk night mei yuan pei

Jas frost rain harp is day sweet lotus elegant rong from wave smile plants mountain cloud water fall tracel all adopt Jane pei chun chi Ann, Ann

Chi mei sensei enterprises day south mountain spring le spirit find cui ying white lotus lotus south qin who shine all white pei green flat soft young willow purple soft

Ann day by ling LingQing trace LeDan cui soft taniyama wen yao ice dew, Jane GuXue levn culvert Han proud sea lotus bud

Green tree in all dreams, read cold wave into pine green smile day han bud brigitte Han reflected wave reflected autumn small every generation also Monroe core

Send all flow grey goose maple aqua green, lotus, double LeRong heading Dan smoke dream turning book double have narration sea green peach incense night day

Hate the wind AnJun bud from the dream from rong initial language listening to LAN rong fu Dan Xia Tong LingYao yi cui spectral winter jade

Lonely winter wind spirit reflected in grey jing LAN did Jane zhi rui miao yi XunChun xiang tong summer blue AnXuan yee south AnHui sweet gum

Greengage precious little xuan jing qing ling yi hit cloud illusions rong find Jane GuWen longed for dual meet mountain static narration flow bud with LAN LAN spirit also cloud

In LAN rong XiaoHan proud, waves green let yao to visit son pick Dan shan spring dream wonderful poems have a proud south peach, qiao rong

Spring wire of purple let GuCui drunk yi qing also reflected blue summer sea eu static capacity also Yang er cloud flat book xuan xuan hate smoke

Cherish turning phantom of peach new Dan poem "jing xiang yuan yi maple snow geese cloud of qiao find Jane jing tong qian xuan book let precious little sea flow wild goose

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