Name two side method

Name two side method

Things or the said specific vivid image of the three Chinese characters combination to produce a series of vivid, each has its the name of the spirits, elegantly beautiful picture, is a new method named: three side method.Such as:

Xue-tao li: pear flower bloom garden white, like XueTao rolling.Atmospheric full, move have static, the image is bright, artistic conception far-reaching, can be comparable to sing oh.

The wind in the willows qing: beautiful spring scenery, poplar and willows, breeze, gentle stretching, dial the surface provoking, attired.

As you can see, the above three idea and a method name, has a vivid, rich in content, contains the philosophy, inspiring -- wait for an advantage, it is our reputation is one of the important ways.Using this method conceived name, should note the following points:

(1) name must be vivid, specific and vivid or meaning clear, otherwise it is not in conformity with the "three a" law

O, this is the most basic elements.

(2) form the two characters of the name and last name must be between the "three" complement each other, there are inner connected - because unrelated "three", no matter how difficult to form a harmonious and beautiful picture, it appears green, narrowly, self-defeating, not only vivid, still can make counterproductive.

(3) constitute the "three a" three characters of the majority is a noun said specific things, only a few adjectives is said color, shape, choosing words to attach importance to it.

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