Name the name method

Name the name method

Open structure name is based on Chinese characters structure analysis, the surname name of decomposed into two words or a word is decomposed into two DuTiZi, along with the name last name.

As we have already introduced, examples of decomposition of surname name a lot.

Such as "zhang can be decomposed into" long bow "two words," zhang longbow, such as:

Wang Yitu, Wang Yishi, tourism, Wang Yichuan, Wang Gan a king, king one thousand, momo, who can, zi-mu li, li

Teil, long bow, chapter ZhangLi early, early, shu, shu to shed, MaGuangLin, Mr Ma is wide, wide PangGuangLong, pang long,

Greetings, He Bei addition, summer best friend, his Xia You hundred, YueQiu mountain, yue hill, xu YanWu, Xu Wu, talking, sharing huangtian, huang tian tong, winter and TongDong Luan also wood, believe human speech, LeiYuTian, ray tian, YanRi Ann, wu from the labor, cen today, tomorrow month, ten words, feather, often towel before Jian is tenure, smell the ear door, rev, GuiDu soil, although strong bow, LiWanChang, iraqis, yoon Lv Shuang mouth, etc.

Dividing a word into two DuTiZi, together with the surname name, at first glance seems to be confused with taste, is unknown among them meaning, in fact as long as apart of the two DuTiZi reduction for a, can be suddenly enlightened, the show looks like.

Rulin, white water, "water" is from "spring" word decomposition, Lin poshui semantic take "nymphs" meaning.Such as Peng Jiamu again, put the word "it" to a "frame", can understand the meaning of: a interested in desert or vastness, the hinterland of investigation and research of natural scientists, want to use their own actions "frame" a bridge connection civilization and backward, drive behind by civilization.The name "it" is the ideal of a better "rack" bridge.

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