Named second child baby named star two babies

Named second child baby named star two babies

Is below small make up for the share of named star second child baby, did you can take a look at you like a lovely baby.

Named second child baby, named star two babies

1, Yang LAN dabao called Wang Sa sunseeker, two treasure call Wang Qijun.

Famous host Yang LAN had a son and a woman with wu, Yang children was born in a foreign country.For Yang and her husband wu all the year round in the outside, now has eight so-called wu and his 4-year-old sister, are under was raised in Yang's parents and parents-in-law.Most people said Yang LAN foreign passport is not super to living, but the fact is Yang Lansheng two foetuses.

2, kelly Lin, Jody dabao xinxin, small treasure, small baby

The entertainment circle, 40, kelly Lin cesarean section in Taipei next female, daughter weight about 6 kg, and mother and baby are very well.Kelly Lin husband Jody Taiwan media interview, proudly said daughter looks delicate and pretty, just like my mom is a babe.Last November, kelly Lin admitted that was six months pregnant, and revealed that a second child isPiscesDaughter.Kelly Lin and her husband the day before yesterday Jody is witness appeared in obstetrics and gynecology in Taipei, the labor kelly Lin still slender limbs, she wore dark glasses to wear leisure, hospital formalities before check-in at the counter in person to give, the husband is dragged his suitcase on the counter and waiting for her.To complete the formalities after put away the baggage, two couples and step out clinic for a walk together.Yesterday morning at 10 16 points, kelly Lin is caesarean birth female next time.The husband Jody said daughter fine eyes, just like my mom is a different kind.In addition, as the name of the little girl has not yet been decided, advised her to have friends and family can be her daughter's nickname is "little baby", while her prenatal xinxin had revealed large daughter has already started to prepare how to when my sister.

3, ma forging articles small daughter named love horses

With the horse, forging second child due date approaches, Internet users are very concerned about the article with ma forging messages of the second child was born.11, ma forging in weibo drying out of the picture, the diagram is round, dark, dry, she let everyone to guess what, friends speculation is umbilical cord, and bless ma forging's baby was born., "said ma forging in weibo had shown up for work as usual in the middle of the night, and saw the little one dropped, hanging the heart finally put down a few days."At the same time ma forging cross out a round object.In the comments, the net friend said: "under normal circumstances, the umbilical cord in 24 to 48 hours after the birth of the natural dry, 3 ~ 4 days began to fall off."So some netizens speculated that ma forging the second baby was born, and congratulations, "Mr Wen is when the father again!Congratulations!"

4, liu tao, a daughter named Wang Ziyan, son call Wang Zijing

Liu tao's daughter was born in 2008, named Wang Ziyan, eight years old this year, is a beautiful but inside collect, naughty and a little cuteThe little girl, smile like a mother, liu tao, it seems that is inherited from the mother of good genes.Liu tao was born in 2009, the son of small named xiao bao, big named Wang Zijing, 7 years old this year, looking like dad wang ke, but facial features and looks very like mother, liu tao is "quiet man".

5, sun li deng chao's daughter flower flower, son, and so on

Grandson couple two foetuses, today is 35 years old birthday, deng chao sun li on weibo messages issued a series of blockbuster, sun li acknowledged for the first time have a second child.Grandson couple two foetuses and generous sun baring our happiness at the beach with family photos, "this is the 35th birthday, Deng Xiansen is deng BaBa third birthday, is the director deng first birthday!Today is my fourth year turns into a superwoman!Looking forward to our new family patterns: 1 + 1 = 4, happy...Health...Be grateful..."Netizen then send blessing" congratulations, that were indeed very good ", another netizen speculation "slowly next kid would call it".

6, liu ye: son call Liu Nuo one, a daughter named liu neon

Liu ye and Anna in French wife married with two children, the eldest is a "journey to the west literature researchers" Liu Nuo, big eye of Eva, people love in the world.Sister, neon, liu is a shy girl.

7, donnie yen and wang poem daughter jasmine and son to scarlett

Donnie yen and wang poem of marriage has been a popular saying in the entertainment circle, wang poem full support to donnie yen's career, but also on the family for his children.They shotgun in 2003, 04 years gave birth to a daughter, jasmine, 08 wang poem and gave birth to son to scarlett.

8, na ying son happy, daughter apple

Although music days na ying, dating is not very good, but the children is good.The experienced and her ex-husband peak unrequited love,To get marriedDivorce again, NaYingSheng gave birth to a son, named happy.Na ying remarry after she gave birth to a daughter "apple", married life can finally began to use "happy" to describe.

9, Chen, Chen kaige: big baby call Chen Yuang, two baby call Chen Feixia.

Chen to marry Chen kaige and come to criticism, the results and make an exception and gave birth to two children, the net friend to this.Chen is the most will be the entertainment circleTo have childrenStar for Chen kaige, mom gave birth to two sons, to consolidate her position in the family.

10, guo tao: son stone, daughter Guo Yiwen

Guo tao and aiko stone for attending high-profile, guo tao has a second daughter.Guo tao in photos and daughter Isabella is very intimate, said that the other party was born in Hong Kong, as a father will do our best to protect their grow up.The original guo tao wrote: her name is Isabella, female, was born in Hong Kong,Taurus.We all call her "sister", three years ago, her surprise coming, give my life up a "good" word, sister introverted, shy, not like stone elder brother a mixed power rush of kyushu, and she is my little valentine, tonight she ate Fried chicken, I drank beer, grew up I will try my best to protect her, in her "min, pretty" before the advent of...

11, wang baoqiang's two daughters

Wang baoqiang wife this year of the children play in the park photos, and revealed that the elder brother to the father, is that going to take my sister to find father by bike.In this photo, a pair of children are wearing casual clothes, in their respective rode onbicycleIn the park to play, very happy.Earlier, according to media reports, wang baoqiang Anita marriage with his wife, Anita abandoned the identity of the "white-collar", set his mind at to do housewives xiangfujiaozi.Mr Vang powerful son was born in 2010, in 2011, wang baoqiang and secret to accompany his wife gave birth to daughter Anita to the United States Los Angeles.Named second child baby, named star two babies

NEINEI 12, wu zun daughter, son, Max

Wu zun, besides daughter NEINEI has a son.Wu zun published in a recent "decided to brave", was drying out a photo of his eight months old, and only six months "little wu chun" is the image of father wu.Are less than a year old, but "little wu zun" has very of fan, big eyes staring at the camera, very cute.Today's wu zun, the facial expression of face is permeated with happiness.He admitted that in the past two years, when someone asks him about marry and have children, he always wants to say and can't say that, very afflictive.He wrote in his book: "yes, I am now has the role of the money can't buy.A happy super dad!"With such a pair of lovely children, it is no wonder that wu zun happiness peaks.

13, tian liang, father: dabao a daughter named tian orange, the name of the second son beau Tian Xinchen.

Tian liang and the father family collective returned from vacation.Tian liang first appeared, he was wearing sunglasses, carry a backpack bag, carefree demeanor, then, the reporter sees father and her lovely daughter.Father dress casual loose, with her was an elderly woman, reporters recognized that he is the mother, tian tian mother's arms holding an eight or nine month old infants, the child lively expression.Waiting for luggage, father rushed out of the bottle, pass to tian's mother fed children, obviously is tian liang and father, the son of the child.Tian a day from sanya back to Beijing, less than 1 year old son will be affected by some kind of turbulence on a plane, but this little guy is mentally, dancing.Tian's daughter is very like his brother, from time to time, play with my brother, appeared happy smile on his face.Later a little crying to find father, the son of tian liang, father picked up him to the hall turned up at the airport.

14, benny and lisa two sons

Benny and lisa had previously married with 1 female, lisa and cesarean section in September of 2013 gave birth to two sons, to in-laws successively gave birth to a female child add up to the "good".Benny's elegant Ru Chen and Chen jiing hin a pair of children to get along with more and more harmonious, April 28, 2014, as the mother of lisa big consolation, drying out a group of children was up two people stick together, see each other there is love photos, she smiled that two sweet sister to explode: "early in the morning is you two sweet, witness you two feelings every day more and more deep, more and more love interaction, sincerely hope you like this to help each other, support each other for a lifetime!"

15, yao son small potatoes

On July 15, 2013, Yao Chensheng gave birth to a son, named small potatoes.The small potatoes not only appearance level is high, also very lovely, can always cheer for her.However, such a sweet three soon...Into four!Today yao in to attend the conference "dream partner", he has been having a second child!She was very happy to say: "I actively echoed two-child policy of the country, in November will be a sibling to small potatoes."Ah, looks like small potatoes will have a brother and sister!Is really too good, later potatoes can when elder brother, don't have to sleep big bed alone.The last sentence is said to netizens took good, my name is called small sweet potato.

Method named two baby

Don't know how to name their baby's second child, parents can come in look small make up for sharing method named second child baby:

1. Good correlative named the child with meaning.As some correlative "southeast of the northwest", "spring, summer, autumn and winter" "ice, snow", ""...And so on.For example: bing frozen sister Betty is bing frozen agent, now is the manager of huayi.Li bingbing can become a generation of winner, and her sister and agent of Betty is inseparable.

2. "with overlapping word".In addition to the word "sharing", another name method between brothers and sisters, is folding word method are adopted.Such as van frozen brother named Fan Chengcheng.Fan Chengcheng was born in 2000, fan bingbing, and he sent more than 20 years old, but took the sister and the name of love, immediately pull close the distance age.

3. The two names are Shared in a word, and Shared a word.Clear, TongYu TongYu morning (morning)

4. A word with the same name to her child.SNG ee-mei Sun Yanjia stefanie sun, for example, her sister, sister, three sisters Shared the character "yan", a listen to is't right.Gender different brothers and sisters name, want nice title and commonality, then can adopt the following methods:

(1) if the two different genders, treasure can also take "homophone" as common words.Nicholas tse and his sister, Jennifer tse, for example, "whether" and "off" is a homophone, respectively in male and female names, a great ambition, a graceful.

(2) the second common word gender colour is too strong word, use less as far as possible slant neutral words, such as "shao, the son, thinking, singing..."So that no matter the men and women, a good name can be very convenient.Such as Angela has a brother and a sister, named Zhang Shaojie and conni, respectively.

(3) if the boss is a boy, second child is a girl, two children of the third word will word with female rich color.For example named chih-hung Lin Lin's brother, and take the third word "ling", immediately have a different flavor, with a gentle handsome.

5. Two last names.Both husband and wife are only children, two children, a parent's surname, a mother's surname.Such as Mao Xiaowen, XiaoWen, with parents' name, with the same name.Named second child baby, named star two babies

6. The character of four words.Such as: Liu Yihao hin, Liu Yihao theory.There are also some baby name parents surname fold together, such as phoenix and phoenix m meters two sisters, peng, ray is their parents' name, respectively.

Named second child baby's attention

Gave birth to two children a lot of families are very happy, so at this time requires attention named second child baby's attention, parents can come in and see don't understand.

1, avoid harmonics indecent.

Modern people like to use, but this is a double-edged sword for the name.Used correctly, it shows that wonderful implicit meaning, if use undeserved, would become the laughing stock of others, causing the child trauma.Just like "Hu Lijing" became "fox", read "Fan Tong" read as "fools", "Duan Ming" into "broken life", "Du Ziteng" into "stomach"...So, when using homophonic, must be careful attention.

2, born not named.

Believe many mothers-to-be haven't in baby's birth, secretly want to good baby name, even if I'm not sure yetboysorGave birth to a girl, so just take two, actually this is not can't, just this is not desirable.Because the baby's name for the baby's eight life has the effect that make up the day after tomorrow.The figure of eight is arranged according to the specific time of birth.Before the baby is born a good name, may make the baby's eight may be some deviation, which will weaken the name for the baby to another role.

3, not a single glyph structure.

If a single glyph structure, can give a person a kind of very hard look inflexible impression.Especially when written in cursive script to name, if a single structure is hard to recognize.Just like called "round in the garden", "jingjing", "Yang Guihua" and so on.On the contrary, if use different structure of words in the name, look at a glance, will also have more flexibility.

4, the weak shoulds not be too soft words.

In the horoscope numerology, day partial namely the weak body and wenger is generally weak, lack personality and temperament is weak, so the general names should not be used when it is too soft, too low, too weak words, for example, unfavorable use the words softly;Should not be used, such as yan, li, escape, ni, soft, shavings, and so on.There is "too much" in numerology, therefore, life in the body weak and use too soft words of nothing, easy cause obstruction, being bullied, money not to get together, men's life have a wife, female life easy was abandoned and so on.

5, men should not be feminine.

Now that women should not be commonly use masculine name obviously, likewise, men also should not be commonly use obvious female name.Ark of zhouyi in the zhouyi, however, the name of the practice found that men use obvious feminine names tend to be more harm than good, its downside surface mainly in three aspects, one is the career tend to not show;The second is easy make a mean person, your breath of life;A third is bad marriages, wife is easy to stray.

6, try not same tone of voice.

At the time of names, as far as possible don't exactly the same tone.Because such a name, not only not nice to read, and it's very dull wooden.If you want to name loud and clear, to read and more sedate, can take even tone name the end of a word.Named second child baby, named star two babies

7, the network name cannot be used.

Now there are a lot of scores on the Internet is named software, actually these test scores to judge the name of the software, it is concluded that only a mechanization of reference values, only is a kind of entertainment for people of software, so cannot be used to give the baby name.Baby name still should have professional knowledge named personnel to name the baby's birth horoscope.In this way, can ensure that the name and case corresponds to the baby's life, the role of the name.

8, the body will flourish shoulds not be too just words.

In the horoscope numerology, day partial tawang is body and flourishing is generally stronger and more self personality and temperament impulse, so the general names should not be used when it is too rigid, too high, too domineering word, for example, unfavorable use a fourth word;Unfavorable use, such as house, rock, bully, proud, spiderman, huang, dense, fierce and so on.Numerology is "too just easy to fold" say, therefore, life of the body in no use too just the words of the system, the visible disability, such as surgery, prison of evil, man and life's wife, woman fight, etc.

9, no.

A lot of people to compare advocating foreign culture, so in the name for the child to take the combination of Chinese and foreign innovative ways.Some of them are particularly like a star in foreign countries, especially in the child's name to add the name of the element, named "lee Taylor", "Peter", "tanaka MaYou" what.These names look bos not foreign, energy will not only weaken the name itself, lead to social discount in the future, luck is a big influence to the child.

10, avoid is used a few rarely used word.

Some parents in order to a different name for the baby, often will choose some rarely used word for baby names.Actually, adopting too uncommon word as the name of the baby, may cause the baby there are some obstacles in interpersonal communication.In school and the teacher will for sure baby name pronunciation, which in turn will not be easily point to the baby's name.Long long, it will reduce your baby's study enthusiasm, gradually become do not love learning, it will be very detrimental to the healthy growth of baby.

11 shoulds not be too dry, summer the living word.

According to feng shui numerology after every summer to the beginning of autumn before birth, according to seasonal originally the fire drying, if life water weak fire bureau, is too hot.Therefore, the name is taboo with the internal heat is very word, otherwise, will cause imbalance of Yin and Yang is born evil.Is the main cause mass annihilation, is a mouth, discord, etc.Font too hot word is mainly on the "fire", "day", "灬", "light", such as Chinese character component words, such as, shimmering, fierce, flame, gandalf, photos, chang, etc.;Literalness too hot words such as "urgent", "arrogant" and "calm" and "xia", etc.

12 shoulds not be too cold, winter the living word.

According to feng shui numerology of all the insects before it was born after the beginning of winter, the seasonal cold originally is heavy, if the life of medium, weak water of cold too heavy.Therefore, the name is taboo with those cold words, otherwise, will cause imbalance of Yin and Yang is born evil.Its main is career, marriage, etc.Glyph on cold too heavy word mainly with "le", "冫", "water", "rain", "gold" of Chinese character component, such as words, such as, cold, frozen, culverts, water, dew, sports, etc.;Literalness cold too, for example, the word "winter", "cold", "wind", etc.

13, polyphone unfavorable use.

Polyphone is very common, but you'd better avoid using polyphone name can avoid.Because when encountered in the name this kind of words, and of the rest of the people will be afraid to read wrong sound and discourteous front, or communication in order to avoid this kind of error.Just like a good, is to read the "good", "hao" sound or read?So can let a person very entanglements.

The name of a second baby

Is below small make up for the share of named second child baby, you can refer to the following two baby name books.

1, catalpa march catalpa yao (march and yao are the meaning of mei-yu, hope they like jewels generally pretty fine)

Such as 2, wan ling wan (sincere, beautiful, lively and beautiful)

3, qi flower tree (girls) girl (boy) : take a flower

4, wei ting wei chu (graceful lovely BABY)

5, jia wen (girls) jia wu name implies wenwu (boys)

6, xinyi (girls) readily (boys) name implies is everywhere

7, set in set (snow is pure and beautiful, I really wish that their blossoming into a beautiful woman)

8, ilene yilin (name) to feel nice

9, jia (girls) carol name (boys) music

10, kexin eu (such as flower girl beautiful intelligent)

11, mu 柟 MuYing (柟 and sakura are gentle not bashful)

12, son son xuan (jasmine and day lilies, on behalf of purity and love, thanks to their great mother!)

13, Hong jung (boys) moral Hong li (girls) named tuan li

14, meimei tassel mei tassel (a look will know that is the name of the twins, not only the font is very similar, but also high scores oh)

15 and 琸 (girls) 琸 quantity (boys) name implies magnanimity

16, na na jade-like stone crystal (na is slim beauty of meaning, glittering and translucent water is the most beautiful girl)

17, yi xing yi (smart and clever, wise and beautiful)

18, shu shu (girls) (boys) name implies elegance

19, has the connotation of elegant girl)

20, YanFei Chen fei (cultured virtue of good family)

21, cosette cosette have jade (quiet and clever, lively and beautiful)

22, Mellon, beautiful huan (beautiful sisters)

23, at the show (girls) QiWei (boys) name implies show

24, jia kai (boys) fine turning (girls) named kay turning

25, agee (boys) and hui (girls) moral wisdom

26, this all this well (from similar words even, on behalf of mom and dad give their love are the same, all hope that their happy growth)

27, hae-chan (girls) moral hae-chan bo name (boys) posts

28, to clever to hui (clever girl)

29, macro (girls) macro static (boys) name implies, quiet

30, Zhong Ling (girls) zhong yu (boys) moral nature

31, ShuHuan (girls) and the name meaning merry (boys)

32, jean Dan Dan flute (1 guqin) on the flute

33, Yu real (girls) Yu name (boys) real meaning

34 (girls), jia said the name meaning kind words (boys)

35, lotus lotus note (lotus and the lotus is the same flower, hope they no matter when and where will not forget your sister)

36, mendale dream baby (pure and noble) named second child baby, named star two babies

37, see day month (1 January, will shine bright)

38, farce min (girls) farce chung (boys) name implies the master

39, zebina ghatpot zebina snow (beautiful and clever, filial piety and clever)

(40, 玗 玗 letter from rare, on how the twins baby hard-won)

41, snow ice (girls) (boys) name implies similar meanings.

42, Wen Chu Wen Ting (from the lovely and graceful, hope they can look pretty)

43, dean yan deeply Christian rain (taken from the grey harmonics of misty rain the children hit water shortage, so use, hope they grow up do romantic elegant beautiful girl)

44, Ming xin MingYue (yu xin, he is the name of an ancient beauty, want to two baby to like her clever beautiful)

45, rate yan rate (the pupil from eye pupil, hope they can protect this clear, bright and beautiful eyes)

Pretty pretty girl of 46, kashiwazaki BaiYing was ()

47, gerber (girls) jia bei (boys) name implies baby

48, zhi xin zhi qing (even up to the mood, I hope they have been clear)

49, jade-like stone set, the white snow (set jade-like stone snow are examples of study hard oh, want to baby not only beautiful, and intelligent)

50, trilogy yao (le is hope they are happy, and yao is the meaning of mei-yu, hope they like jade, beautiful and exquisite feelings)

51, hao jie (girls) hao the name implies white white (boys)

52, yee yee as rong rings (clever and obedient, beautiful and romantic)

53, zhou yu qing yu yan deeply (lively, beautiful, kind and tender)

54, bosom jin (girls) yu (boys) the name meaning with jin yu

55, wetting sunny (girls) lang (boys) the name meaning clear

56, fog fog light rings (hope no surging waves, their life in peace)

57, difficult to express its wonderful (two baby was born was a surprise)

58, song, dance, sing dance, think like a beautiful!)

59, d. tendril yan deeply vines (d. and yan deeply hope they were in the future)

60, Wen Cong (boys) Wen Hui (girls) moral intelligence

61, poetic, full of poetic girl)

Luck wish (62, they will come true!

63 and li source (girls) li springs (boys) source name implies

64, Jane (girls) red treasure the name implies treasure (boys)

65, green wave (girls) tsing tao (boys) name implies the waves

66, mother don't want to mom and dad they disappointed heart)

67, jade jie bingqing (against girl, hope they pure elegant and pretty pretty)

At the beginning of 68, the first light (hope they happy life easily, also remember you, early for parent)

69, but xiao wei miao (from, but good is good, but fortune shows sister's sister call but shaw)

70, thousand and qianhe (from a very good-looking animation, is a nice name, also represents the romantic beautiful girl)

71, li MoQi (taken from the mo from don't abandon, hope baby life together)

72, Jun d. Jun yan (lovely nifty and lively beautiful girl)

73, Jing yao Jing qi (it has exquisite mei-yu)

74, Wen Xin Wen Xuan (jasmine and xuan are good moral, hope two children also can do this romantic intelligent)

75, xiao yu yu xiao yu ran (nice, elegant name pretty pretty girl)

76, shu meng shu Han (glyphs are similar, very good to listen, and moral gentle beautiful)

77, allow xian done son (pretty Korean name!The meaning of virtuous gentle oh)

78, xu (girls), the name implies the sun the sun (boys)

79, known as blue, blue, bright and beautiful, sweet and beautiful)

80 mu snow, snow culvert (snow is the hope and pure, mu is hope sister happy every day bathed in sunlight, culvert is hope to do a sister

81, xin tong xin luca brasi (wonderful)

Early 82, know cream (cream cools a lovely girl)

83 March, poetry ShiWei (march and eu are elegant and beautiful!)

84, toward the Wen Xi sisters accompany (daily)

85, but the porch (the name of the heroic spirit are uncommon, but do not break sweet, hope they can be a filial piety girl who has character)

86, ice jade snow yan (hope they have the beautiful looks like snow, snow and ice jade yan)

87, Wan Wan turning (kind, beautiful, honest and beautiful)

88, don't lose don't forget, is a beautiful song, hope two girls will never forget each other, also from the disappointment of harmonics, for parents' hope

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The duke of zhou interprets of query