Dream about football

Dream of football is what mean?Dream dream of football?Dream of football with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of football detailed solution.

Dream of football _ duke of zhou interprets the dream football what is meant by the dream to dream football is good _ _ duke of zhou interprets website

Dream of playing football, portend good luck, get unexpected money and harvest, on the other hand, also said the recent healthy body, energetic.In addition, according to the psychoanalytic point of view, and dream of soccer or football, also said the dreamer's intense sexual excitement.

Generally speaking, the dream of people play football in easily, said dream people live happily.But if the dream of someone else playing training game, the situation has been very intense, has hinted that the meaning of competition in work.

Dream of a person to play freely, suggests that the dreamer subconscious desire for freedom, hope to be able to get rid of the bondage.

Dreaming that I am chasing a ball, suggesting that the dreamer of liberal personality, the characteristics of the character and the pursuit of excellence.

Football players dreaming that I am playing football, beware, suggest that may be poor performance at some critical moments, or missed the ball.

Dreaming that I take part in the football match, indicate the dreamer popular, think people love, will get a lot of fame and reputation.

Dream of watching football games, indicated that the dreamer will have unexpected money or harvest, delighted the excitement.

Dreamed that he was wounded, hinted at in a planned way outside income, quality of life to change.

Duke of stock market

Dream of football, the stock market suggested price fluctuations, rugby, football, dream, should be an uptick official said, volleyball, basketball and said they should buy.

Dream of the case study of football (by )

The dream description: for male citizens, no one don't like football.I dreamed I was watching a football match.The game is too fierce, dangerous.I roll my eyes look at the game, for fear of a little omission.(male, 34)

Dream dream resolution: football, represents the money with the unexpected.Dreaming that I am playing football, which indicated you will get a rich.Dream of others are playing football, means competition.As the dream of basketball, is a symbol of good luck.After the dream of handball, represents the struggle success or happiness feelings.Dream about baseball, it is light and the symbol of success.Dream of golf, represents the relationship between the opposite sex.Dream of badminton, represents the happiness and friendship.Dream of ping soldier ball, means that rapid growth with satisfactory results.

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