Dream of rice dumplings

Dream of zongzi is what mean?Dream dream of rice dumplings?Dream of rice dumplings with reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of zongzi detailed solution.

Dream of rice dumplings

Dream of eating zongzi, good omen, can have good luck.

The patient dreamt of eating zongzi, the body will soon recover.

Traders dream of eating rice dumplings, can make a lot of money in business.

Dream of zongzi, indicated that the family happiness harmony.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream wrapped in reed, auspicious, Lord tenements of female."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream the reed, ji, the main XieYiTuiShi of trillion.Time restrictions, daters meet lover, traveler for good company, again good Lord.Solution laid for fine long, short time of."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dreamed of zongzi case analysis

Dream description: I do not know why, I always want to eat rice dumplings in recent days, because the job is busy, so didn't spare time to go to the mall to buy.May be this reason, I dreamed that I bought a bag of rice dumplings, after heating alacrity had - dumplings, I think it's good.(female, 30 years old)

Resolution: dream dream zongzi, represents the friends and missing.Dreamed that he is making dumplings that you will make some new friends.Dreamed that he was eating zongzi, which indicates that all the happiness of your life.Dream of dumplings, to give others means thoughts to your friends.

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