Dream of their own shit

Dream of their own shit is what mean?Dream dream of their own shit, ok?Dream of their own shit with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of their own shit the detailed solution.

Dream of their own shit

Dream of their own shit, portends a recent life pressure will be bigger, the material wealth.Have a poorer, losing money, or by friends and relatives to borrow some money.

Dream of clothes stick to a dung, fortunes rise predictor is money, may be a new income;

Dream of yellow dung, portend a symbol of wealth and rich, the dream of feces smelly, are especially lucky;

Dream with feces or stepping on dung, presage a fortune would befall the dream, the dream will come true, everything;

Dreamed that he carried the defecate inside, this is a prosperous dream;

Businessman dreaming that I am the shit back in that dream career will be more on a floor, money flourish;

Defecate brilliant, in the dream of the bathroom is bring wealth of money dream, indicate the dreamer will receive unexpected money, not through hard work to get wealth;

Dreamed that he tao dung, means will bring good luck for the dreamer, money luck will get better in the future, is likely to make a fortune, the dreamer can also buy lottery tickets today try their luck, very likely winners;

Dreaming that I fall into the pit to climb out again, that promises the dream will be fine,

Dreaming that I am falling intoThe toiletTo climb out of that the dreamer will generative, recently the dreamer may be an unexpected windfall, or on or in the raffle ticket;

Dream of collapsed after stepping on other people's shit to sit down on the ground, is inauspicious, remind master of the dreamer had better look for inspiration, a precaution;

Dreamed of by hand to knead the shit, ongoing business or investment portends a dreamer plain sailing, in the near future will see earnings;

Dream of golden stool to his coming, it is ascendent in dream, golden stool symbol of money, indicated that the dreamer will gain a lot of possessions, because lucky, recently the dreamer may in a raffle ticket, may receive power is with the help of the people, give oneself seek wealth, prompt the dreamer must seize opportunities;

Men dreamed of in a public toilet stool, remind the dreamer should pay attention to body health;

A womanDreamed about in a public toilet stool, suggesting that the dreamer may be insulted or discrimination, remind the dreamer don't too care about others' comments.

Dream of shitUrine dirty yourself, this is a rare good dream;

Dream of soiled shit in his own body, suggests that the dreamer will get a large amount of wealth;

Entrepreneurs or business people dreamed of soiled shit yourself, means career path will be smooth sailing, can bring the dreamer rolling of money.

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