Dream of the bullet

Dream of the bullet is what mean?Dream dream of bullets?Dream of bullets have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of bullet solution to speak in detail.

Dream of the bullet

The bullet, peanut delicious, bullets to taste.A bullet in my dream, also means trouble and sick.

Dream of bullets, you don't easily to other people ", or some unfavorable publicity of privacy, avoid to bring unnecessary trouble in the future life.

Dreaming that I amThe quiltHit, suggesting that the dreamer should to do a health check, do nip in the bud, to ensure the health of the body.

Dreamed to like the rain of bullets, but their unscathed, said the dreamer while many life kind of trouble, but his face and solve problems in their own way.

The bullet in the dream, although have a dominant direction and decision-making power, but need to respect the opinions of the customers and partners, cut can not wishful thinking or self-righteous, more concessions and compromise as well

Women dream of neutron bomb, you will be very hard.

Dreamed of bullet case analysis

Description: dream dream of right kidney was shot by a bullet, and then climb everywhere, climb up to the two hospitals, doctors are all very cold...Dreams especially clear, even remember climbed over the threshold, and the traffic in the street...

Dreams resolution: right kidney was shot by a bullet, representative may encounter in life what you want to immediately solve the problem, a dream you get to the hospital, on the one hand, represents the concern about their own, in addition, also expressed a kind of low profile, please help.All the doctor is so cold, on behalf of the very few people wish to help you, and in detail, represents the hard, the traffic in the street, symbol of life other people much attention to you.

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