Dream of feather feather

Dream of feather feather what meaning be?Dream dream of feather feather, ok?Dream of feather feather with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of feather feather the detailed solution.

Dream of feather feather

Dream of many feathers fluttered around, said your life burden is light.

Dream see eagle feathers, said your heart wish will come true.

Dream of the chicken feathers, said the moderating effect of lightly.Dream of feather business engaged in the business, good luck and prosperity.

Dream of black feathers, is the symbol of discontent, may also be said unpleasant events will happen.

Women dream of decorative feathers, said she will progress in society, and the progress of tips can imitate but not others.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dreams and feathers, change clothes of the Lord.The broken dream secretary

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream a dream to see feathers symbolize the soft and flexible, perhaps say easily close to a particular situation.You may recognize the violence to his no fish, you should adopt the way of peace can make further development.

Psychological analysis: feathers are often said to myself it is still not familiar with the area, with air and wind closely linked, it can represent your spiritual life.Dream see feathers may also said the first thing you should put the plan execution, and peace can be achieved.

Spiritual symbol: from the perspective of the spirit or soul feathers symbolize the sky.

Dreamed of feather feather case analysis (@)

Description: dream a dream the same thing I ate chicken feathers, taste is very bad, stir a mess in my belly.In the end, I had to vomit a feather, in your mouth and stomach is full of strange smell, wake up, sleep over me up after his mouth as if what is the strange smell.(female, 23 years old)

Resolution: dream this dream indicates that you may encounter some problems in money or love, to the bitter and the feather of strange taste is the symbol of the situation.Eating is a kind of desire to meet, it is a dream a little bit strange, eat chicken feathers, because you may what is the problem in real life, perhaps your desire is too strong.Sometimes, however, that you desire to gain satisfaction after the fear or shame of mood, so can't easily "digest".

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