Dream of the belt

Dream of belt is what mean?Dream dream of belt is good?Dream of belt with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of belt detailed solution.

Dream of the belt

Dream of belt, usually symbol enterprise, identity, strength, power, etc.

Dream of belt, said life well, chose the right direction in front of the important issues.

Dream of fasten belt, says you want to change the status quo.

Dream of tie belt and feel figure forceful, indicate that you have a long career future.

Dream of worry belt broken, or crack, fall off, suggest that life, your heart is very concerned about the image for himself in front of anxiety, fear of having their own weaknesses, and hidden.

Dream of loosen your belt, on the other hand, may indicate that you want to get rid of the bondage, want from some kind of makes you feel depressed, stiff liberate thoughts, behavior, system, restore the comfortable feeling;On the other hand, if the dream with panic nervous mood, suggest you may fear was found something hidden, eager to have security.

Men dreamed of belt, symbol has a certain status and power.

A womanDream of belt, you may have to face the complex of the workplace environment, and bear the pressure;Or life make you subconsciously feel women naturally by the constraints, and repression.

Dream of a new belt, said the work is smooth, have a good luck, and won a good reputation for yourself in the career development.

Dream of the old belt, indicate that you will meet with difficulties in work.

Dream of belt is broken, work on a setback, is likely to be fired, or be a lot of people object to.This dream also remind you at ordinary times should pay attention to relationships with colleagues.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

See the old belt, found in things."The duke of zhou interprets"

A new belt, the Lord is auspicious."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dreams his utility belt.Up chunks with suspension newcomers by noble dream this will be the main rich, get noble support.And shall be given by qin emperor, Paul enjoy eternal day.Merchants the dreams, shall be exotic and treasure."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of belt, a officer."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream gold belt, ji.The dreamer,A pregnant womanWill birth, Confucian yue longmen, is accounted for."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream horn belt, great luck.Dream of the main title promotion, fame, or holding and have had only, belong to qin choose, subjects of history.Ordinary people dream of this, the main career advantage;Pregnant women dream of this, the Lord given hopefully, things can get."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream with ivory, ji.Dream the same habitat.Gentry dream of this, the name jinbang, everything."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

LuWei belt is broken, lost."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: a woman in a dream see belt said she felt herself as a woman in the aspect of personality is restrained and limited, while the men dream belt is a symbol of power.

Psychoanalysis: belt said the inevitability of life and death.

Spirit: dream of belt in the spiritual symbol of the wisdom, strength and power.Do you dream of belt, then you should pay more attention to, because from the spiritual level, say you choose the correct development direction.

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