Dream of rosin

Dream of turpentine is what mean?Dream dream of rosin, ok?Dream of rosin with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of rosin detailed solution.

Dream of rosin

Dream of rosin, indicates that in order to solve something you promise some promise, but they promise will become in the future cannot be cashed the cheque.

A womanDreaming that I am using rosin bandaging wounds, others suggest she always pursues to the person ACTS of kindness will win the respect and love and heterosexual people.

Dream of pine trees, the dream of the door pine mountain, will be prosperous in the home, the larger the pine tree, the luxuriant, wedding will be more at home.If the dream after the foot of the mountain is full of pine trees, suggests that a good fortune in the home, good dream is a thriving business.

Pines symbolize prosperous, the larger the pine tree, the luxuriant, wedding will be more at home.

Dream of a pine tree, predict anything will step by step to success.

For a woman, dreamed of a dead pine tree, demonstrates that family was kicking, or other sad.

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