Dream of animal skins

Dreaming that hides what meaning be?Dream dream of skins?Dream of animal skins have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamt that hides the detailed solution.

Dream of animal skins

Dream of beast lost is the symbol of profit, also means that your work will not change.

Dream of fox portend an exhausted all dealt with opinion very thorny problem, thought that there is a lot of good to oneself, the result is not ideal.

Dream of grilled fox means will be looking for a relationship together.But don't always said his own things, occasionally one has to ask the other side of the situation.

Dream of yellow fox means you can often from the children feel a kind of simple happiness, it is easy to stay together with them!Have their ownThe childIdeas will appear, and your partner present happy state is very suitable for women gave birth to a new life!

Dream of psychology

Sheepskin symbol with safe, warm and comfortable.It often refers to you can improve yourself in the life of comfort.

Psychology analysis: you dream of sheepskin, said you back to the old value system.It is associated with you ever set goals, namely when you start to travel "the Odyssey" set goals.Are you afraid of your own adventure cannot achieve, but pride won't allow you to give up your goals.The Odyssey is the ancient Greek epic, according to legend for Homer, here refers to drift.

Spiritual symbol: on the spiritual level, the dream of sheepskin imply that fight for the peace.

Dream of skins of case analysis

The dream description: dream last night, dreamed of a fact that somebody else has a mountain villageThe tigerEach a piece of skin and fox, didn't buy it at the time, and then sold to and they said, finally found the rubbish of the tiger and the fox debris, probably is this meaning.

Dreams resolution: in a dreamTo buy things, basically reflect the theme of "choice" or to measure the gain and loss of weight between different options.You might be dreaming that I am happily sweep street blood and finally found himself no pay, no brush card, also no friend;Or you love dearly you spent a lot of money but to buy a bargain;Forget what to buy, not only in shopping malls and lost her way.

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