Dream of table tennis

What is the meaning of dream of table tennis?Dream dream of table tennis?Dream of table tennis has a real impact and response, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of table tennis detailed solution.

Dream of table tennis

Table tennis is a kind of ball sports, also known as the "table tennis".As a kind of popular ball games, sometimes appeared in a dream.

Dream of billiards, usually and rapid development, the moment of opportunity, or full of hope and satisfactory results and other related meanings.

Dream of table tennis, show your work and the fast pace of life, life is full of changes, take advantage of opportunities to all aspects of the you will quickly get rapid development.

Dream of yourself and others to play table tennis, suggest you brave stubborn character, have the courage to fight.In the work and the emotional, to be able to actively take the initiative to grasp the opportunity, win a satisfactory situation, and hope of life.But also remind you that in the fast pace of life and busy work, also need to pay attention to rest and relax.

Dream of billiards, explain your life to start transhipment, table tennis is a kind of fast moving, you come to me to, with the meaning of "reversal", dream of table tennis means that you have the opportunity to transfer recently, want to have a good chance.

Dreaming that I play table tennis on the wall, it is possible that you recently had a fight with a friend or to offend the boss and the customer, so there are "side wall" and "playing alone" scene appeared in my dream.

Dreamed you play table tennis with my friend, recently you work is very smooth, there is always help, are more likely to get promoted, however, you through their own efforts to get their approval.

Dream of himself with strange heterosexual play table tennis, you recently desires of the heart is wrong.Play table tennis with strangers could be an opportunity to meet with the opposite sex, if in reality have such an opportunity, don't be missed, maybe the opposite sex and you have the opportunity to further development.

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