Dream of the crystals

Dream of the crystals is what mean?Dream dream of crystals?Dream of the crystals have a real impact and response, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the crystals of the detailed solution.

Dream of the crystals

Dream of any shape of crystals, such as salt, sugar, ice, said unfortunately it is going to come, such as social, business failure, or work family conflict, errors, etc., make you very confused.

Dream of eating salt is a good omen, the body will be strong, happy life.

marriedA womanDream of salt, to have a pretty strong children.

The patient dreamt of eating salt, the body will be strong.

Dream of salt is ominous, sorrow and misfortune will come.

Dream of buying salt, is home to increase population.

Dream of selling salt, are the love of the people.

Dream of grinding salt, will she had.

Dream of salt to food, it is not good to one million head, disaster and poverty will come.

Dream of ice, suggesting that the dreamer husband will to work hard for the family, let the life is getting better and better.

Dream of ice, means the dreamer has received special attention, in the medium to get good grades.

Traders dream of ice, the business will get the customer's attention, more and more prosperous.

Unmarried women dream of ice, suggesting that the dreamer man will wholeheartedly to oneself good, will find a contentment.

Unmarried men dreamed of ice, suggesting that the dreamer of undying devotion, feeling stronger.

A dream to see in the clear water ice drift, such as small, lake, etc.), suggests that the dreamer will overcome jealous of their own.

Dreamed of the glass with ice, is warning the dreamer don't waste time on meaningless for fun, and energy.

Peasants who dreamed of ice, suggesting that the dreamer will harvest crops.

Dream of full of frozen tree, portends a dreamer delay is successful, so don't lose heart, hold on to the end.

Dream of icicles, portend no matter what is the most of the dreamer, it will quickly disappear, unless it melts.This is to remind the dreamer in after a period of time should be stable their economic sources as well.

Dream of the crystals

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