Dream of the sword

Dream of sword is what mean?Dream dream of sword?Dream of swords have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of sword detailed solution.

Dream of the sword

Dream of sword, indicate that you will be threatened at risk, conflict, and so on.

A womanDream of a sharp sword, a thief or robber will visit their homes.

Dreaming that I am wearing a knife sword, indicate that you have a special talent, ability, or to get the support of friends.

Dreamed of his sword, and others indicate that you are the enemy's attack recently should be vigilant, to do more.

Dream of others, with the sword, predicted troubles will be the past, there will be unexpected harvest, career development, live a happy happy days.

Dreamed that you give others a sword that you will get promoted, senior, career progression.

Dream of others send to you the sword, or pass your sword, demonstrates that you will be promoted, get high recognition, power, status.

Businessman dreamed of receiving a gift sword, and predict will win over competitors, the business is thriving.

Soldiers dream of others to his own sword, can obtain higher sailor.

Dream from others hand grabbed the sword, indicate that you have the strength to solve chaos, remove the enemy attack, have the ability to overcome difficulties.

Dream of in the blade in the scabbard, predicted at the time of need, you will get help.

Dream of hanging on the wall of the sword, happy, peaceful life.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

The sword in the head of a bed, big geely."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of carry a sword walkers, dafu."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream a sword swing, to immediately see evil evil, is auspicious.Dream hanging sword, to stop, to dun, miss;Dream, drew for implementation;Dream of the sword, for fortune;The dream by Beijing to quarrel;Dream negative sword, as a matter of place;Dreams sword, sword, for the body is an image of honor.Dream right sword, for the advice;Dream made sword, for the pick up, sharp auspicious;Sword Jue dreams, to break position.Dream FuJian, have bad to.Dream of hidden scabbard, to eliminate the evil;Dream without the sword, for no authority;Dreams have no sword scabbard for adverse.Dream golden sword, jade beads, big expensive, ji."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Others give sword, chief to rise."The duke of zhou interprets"

Armour, battle sword, senior officials."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: in the dream, the sword symbolizes the powerful weapon.You have the ability to produce special power, and use these forces according to their beliefs.

Psychological analysis: swords symbolize the justice and courage, and strong.If dreams about a sword, said lurked militant factor in your body, you are willing to fight for their beliefs.If the dream of someone handed you a sword, said you to enjoy the shelter of the upper authority, you can make a decision according to their own standards.

Dreamed of sword case analysis

Dream description: a light day dreaming that I am the sword in hand, soft sword is very sharp sword sparkles with cold light, like a sword in the name of the ancient warrior.He took the sword, constantly waving.After wake up, he felt very tired.

Psychological analysis: a sword is a weapon to attack and defend themselves.Sword can symbol of personal ability in a dream, the dreamer's ability to feel is not very strong, but soft in just, firm soft pay equal attention to, so that not allow to flexible will be a lot easier.Like the name of the ancient warrior sword, reflecting the dreamer wants guidance and help, and hope that their own strength is sure by others.Kept waving, and suggests that the dreamer energy is very good, hope to show their new state.

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