Dream of the torches

Dream of a torch is what mean?Dream dream of torch?Dream of torches have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of a torch you tidy the detailed solution.

Dream of the torches

The torches in the dream, or the torch, usually on behalf of the friendship, hope and meaning, also the symbol of truth and justice.

Dreamt of torches, usually indicates a career life will turn around, there is hope, or enter a new stage.

Dream of a torch, predict career developing smoothly.

Dreaming that I am carrying a torch, said you full of confidence, will be on his own strength, and efforts to develop and win.

Dream of others to their torches, suggest to get the help of friends.

Dream of the torch went out, suggesting that lose confidence, lose hope, is also likely to predict disease, or death.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream a torch.Dream day suspension torch, is the corner of the fireflies.Dream light through the river's lake, then move away as god.Dream of board, and the shape and the heart.Dream column in walls, prevent KouDao of invasion.But the sick of the dream, the body health of life."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream a dream to see the torch shows the dreamer.In addition, it also marks on its own, efforts to achieve new development and progress.

Psychoanalysis: it means the torch of confidence not only to the dreamer, but also applicable to other people.By your own understanding, with you for the development of the urgent desire, you will be elected by the people around you as a guider of forward, thereby, permitted.

Spiritual symbol: from this perspective, a dream to see the torch, means and guidance you need spirit depend on.

Dream of the fireThe analysis of the case(by )

Description: dream would have heard of yi stockade that warm torch festival scene, once the dream I appreciate the busy scene of the torch festival.I dreamed I took part in the torch festival, torch festival, people likes singing, the torch festival of the night sky bright and beautiful dress.(male, 28)

Dream dream resolution: sparks, represents the hope and friendship.Dream a torch, which indicates that your career and life will be the emergence of a new transfer.Dream a torch that your career will be well satisfied.Dream of someone handed you a torch, means that you will be helped by others.

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