Dream of flower pot

What is the meaning of dream of flower pot?Dream dream of flower pot?Dream of flower POTS with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of flower POTS you tidy the detailed solution.

Dream of flower pot

Dream of many empty pot, is the symbol of poverty and hardship.

Dream of full flower pot, you can be certain of success.

Dreamed you bought a lot of flower POTS, the pursuit of means you won't have what results, and your responsibilities and heavy which it was difficult to bear.

Dream of broken flower POTS, symbolizing the disease and the unpleasant things.

Dream of vase and similar vessels often represents the female, also symbolizes creativity.

Dream of the flowers in the vase, said the dreamer exuberant vitality and type up;

Men dreamed of a vase of flowers wither, said mother or spouse will suffer from diseases;

Dream of vase, means the dreamer to financial ruin, or business bankruptcy.

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