Dream of canopy

Dream of canopy is what mean?Dream dream of canopy, ok?Dream of canopy has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize canopy of dream of the detailed solution.

Dream of canopy

Had dreamed of canopy symbol for protection, the guards or the desire for funding.Once upon a time, people use the canopy, is for people in high places, such as the king or the priest to society to block the sun or rain.You deep in my heart still has been sticking to the similar desire and privileges.Canopy you dreamed of his head, I know I have potential, you can make greater achievement.

Dream of canopy in some cases can be used as a spiritual shield special symbols.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream canopy.An image of that this dream and shade cover.Of promotion into eloth like wealth, rank, in order to the like of patronage, the monks for dream, disease for the dream of beautiful auspicious, women's RongZiXiao dream."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Psychology meaning ( )

Canopy dream explanation: the symbol for protection, or the desire for funding.Once upon a time, people use the canopy, is for people in high places, such as the king or the priest to society to block the sun or rain.You deep in my heart still has been sticking to the similar desire and privileges.Canopy you dreamed of his head, I know I have potential, you can make greater achievement.

Psychology analysis: people's head is the seat of the thinking and understanding, it can be protected by the canopy.Canopy can stop you to higher ideals and goals.

Spiritual symbol: in some cases can be used as a spiritual shield a canopy of special symbols.

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