Dream of horn

Dream of horn is what mean?Dream dream of horn?Dream of horn with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official websiteHorn) small make up to help you organize the dream of the detailed solution.

Dream of horn

The sound of horns, is a good message and a symbol of happy days.

Dream of horn sounded, the music is, everywhere is a symbol of great joy.

Dream of heard the bugle, suggests that have good message from afar.

Dreaming that I am a trumpet, indicate your social activities increased.

Dream of the angel trumpet, remind you need to try harder, the joy of victory and success are ahead waiting for you;Or remind you not to too high to own request, now might as well enjoy the joy of the result.

Dream of the horn case analysis

The dream description: long so big, is my most memorable summer camp life.Until now, the vivid and interesting scenes also often emerge in my mind, will be appear in my dream, then this time, I dreamed that heard the current summer camp, make me excited.(male, 18)

Dreams resolution: the sound of horns, is a good message and a symbol of happy days.Dream heard the bugle, suggests that have good message from afar.Dreaming that I am a trumpet, indicate your social activities increased.Dream of horn sounded, the music is, everywhere is a symbol of joy.

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