Dream of wine

What is the meaning of dream of wine?Dream dream of wine?Dream of wine have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the detailed solution wine.

Dream of wine

In the dream see wine, suggesting that if you don't waste time on the pursuit of material comforts, you will get a lot of wealth.

Dream of people drink wine, said you are influenced by the bad friends, make something shameful.

Dream of cider, said if you do not waste time on the material comforts, will win a lot of wealth.

Dream of people drink apple wine, you will be affected by the dishonest friend.

Dream of brewinggrapesWine, said he would enter the well-off life.

Dream of grapesWine was lying on the ground, said he recently will be in trouble.

Dream with luminous wine glass to drink wine, means that they will be unhappy success.

The good dream of wine, there will be a cause for celebration, study, career or life make you satisfactory results are obtained.

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