Dream of jelly

What is the meaning of dream of jelly?Dream dream of jelly?Dream of jelly with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of jelly detailed solution.

Dream of jelly

Jelly wax, also called compulsive, because look crystal clear, bright color and texture of soft and smooth, sweet moist and was deeply loved by women and children.

Dream of eating jelly, means that there will be many happy things in life.

Dream of eating jelly, presage a carefree life.

Women dream of doing jelly, symbol of zhao, she will be reunited with friends, fun to recall the past together.

Dreamt of pudding, just to see.Signal investment a lot, but rarely return.

Dream of eating pudding, say you will let a person very disappointed.

Young woman if the dream of making or to make pudding, indicated that she will have a lover is lewd, and greed for fame and wealth, if you and himTo get married, she will only to see his love and wealth.

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