Dreaming that rules the criterion

Dreamed that rules the criterion is what mean?Dream dreamed that rules the criterion?Dreamed that rules the criterion is the reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of rules and the criterion of the detailed solution.

Dreaming that rules the criterion

Dreaming that rules the criterion in hand, the predictor for themselves to be social elites.

Dream heard or read about discipline, warning you would disagree with wise friends give you advice, ignoring the correct judgment, and unable to extricate themselves bound to fall into error.

Dreaming that I accept discipline, marks you silly, will be at the mercy of some strong than you people.

Dream of national rule system has changed, can obtain the highest honor in the country.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream rules (draw round and square tools) criterion.Dream is the sincere seer.Such as dream of the rules in hand, will make a person of outstanding ability, not for Wen Jiazhi great master, will surely giants in the literary world, have a dry turning turn of a hand.Tools such as dream of quasi (measure), all things should be said ping shi, feasible but, grasp manipulate me.Dreams have the rope in hand, in spite of the weft of distribution only me, not only do straight, as well as to gauge the sea, only wood from the rope is."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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