Dream of the organ

Dream of the organ is what mean?Dream dream of organ, ok?Dream of organ have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the organ of detailed solution.

Dream of the organ

In real life, the organ music scene and, more related to religious ceremonies.

Dream of the organ, usually symbolizes the fear of death, or a desire for spiritual sublimation, or willing to make sacrifices and solemn commitment.

Dream to hear the organ played solemn hymns that enduring friendship, the wealth of the wealthy.

The dream see a pipe organ in church, for some, this dream presage a desperate separation and death.

Dream of organ harmonious musical play, indicate on the way to the worldly pleasures you will be a lucky dog, and will receive higher social prestige.

Dreamed of hearing organ accompaniment sad songs.Suggest you taking a tiresome job, and may be some damage to your friends or social status.

Dream of the accordion, life well-being.

Dream of idle accordion, have unfortunately message.

Dream of others the accordion, home to do marriage.

Dream of accordion pulls out, happiness of life is in trouble.

Dream of a womanPut the accordion in their own home leave, can get the heritage.

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