Dream of tools

Dream of tools is what mean?Dream dream of tools?Dream of tool has the reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of tools detailed solution.

Dream of tools

Farmers dreamed that he use the tools, the crops will get unprecedented harvest.

Craftsmen dream of their own tools that will get returns, income increase.

Dream of tools is missing, it suggests that income or setbacks, disaster.

Dream of tool is broken, and you will be subject to the threat of death, or face a family illness unfortunately.

Dreaming that I go to buy a new tool, said hook, a thriving business and economic prosperity.

People dream of buying a new tool of business, and thrived, and treasures will be plentiful and lucrative.

Dream of psychology

Explanation: the dream the dream symbol for you used for maintenance of instruments of life style.

Psychoanalysis: each tool has its special meaning: bit is used for cleaning all kinds of feelings and fears, said to consolidate knowledge and opinions.Hammer to break old patterns of behavior and rebelled against you.Saws tell you can allocation of accumulated experience, and carry on the processing, to start a new life.

Spiritual symbol: the dream through the spirit of the auxiliary tool performance areas are: love, dedication, and charity, etc.

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