Dream of the opera

Dream of opera is what mean?Dream dream of opera?Dream of opera has a real impact and response, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of opera detailed solution.

Dream of the opera

Dreaming that I am listening to opera, say you are looking like watching a drama of all around, maybe it is not an advantage.

Dreaming that I attend the opera performances, said after the heart, you will be served, the next day will everything goes well with you.

Dream to go to the opera, you will be for other people to help gratifying results.(Duke of zhou interprets )

Single people dream of go to the opera, will be throughA blind dateFor good marriage.But if you are an actor, there will be trouble happened recently.

Duke of stock market

Dream to go to the opera, the stock market to imply that it was an up and down phenomenon.

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