Dream of picks

Dream of picks is what mean?Dream dream picks?Dream picks have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamt that picks the detailed solution.

Dream of picks

Dream of picks, predict a ruthless enemy want you socially.

Dream about a bad picks, suggesting that evil threatens all of your interests.

Dream of agriculture on the fork, rake, suggest you may puncture you liar, or pompous man.

Dreamed that he poke people or things with a fork, or others are forks, signal status, reputation may suffer because of their impact on the spur of the moment people, in the near future should proceed with caution.

Farmers dreaming that I am in the use of tools and predict the crops to harvest.

Dream of lost tools, indicates a poor harvest has been or to disaster.

Dreaming that I go to buy a new tools and portend big bumper harvest, economic bounteous, a happy life.Business people do such a dream that the business is thriving, and treasures will be plentiful and lucrative.

Dream of waving hoe, to be a hard life, and finally to live a comfortable life.

A womanDream of waving hoe, husband will get into trouble.

Men dreamed of waving hoe, all obstacles will be overcome.

Dream is engaged in the work with a hoe, and only the hard work to maintain life.

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