Dream of calomel amalgam

Dream of calomel amalgam is what mean?Dream dream calomel amalgam, ok?Dream calomel amalgam have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed calomel amalgam of detailed solution.

Dream of calomel amalgam

Dream of calomel, said to cheat and hurt you, someone secretly incite your friends.

If the youngA womanDream of eating calomel, which indicated she would be the victim of the person he had trusted yes men tricks.

If the dream of mercurous chloride is for external use only, her attitude to cheat to turn a blind eye, figure at that time the only pleasure.

The mercury in a dream, often said pain, pain.

A manDream of the waterSilver, sometimes also said family affection, make you feel the pain.

Women dream of mercury, suggest that for family health expressed concern that someone may fall ill.

If the dream of mercury poisoning, also remind you recently encountered in the life of the accident.

Patient dreamed of mercury, predict disease rehabilitation.

Traders dream of mercury, demonstrates that the business is thriving, can profit.

Dream of using mercury, will soon be broad shoulders.

See mercury, was unfortunate."Duke of zhou interprets

See mercury, his wife has a affair."The duke of zhou interprets"

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