Dream of fertilizer

Dream of fertilizer is what mean?Dream dream of fertilizer, ok?Dream reality to fertilizer and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of fertilizer solution to speak in detail.

Dream of fertilizer

Dream of fertilizer, symbol of prosperity, suggest you get wealth, lucrative.

Dream of fertilizer is very lucky, a lot of good things will happen later, especially farmers, can feel more good luck.

The compost scene in the dream, represents the successful career and happy feelings.

Men dreamed of compost, besides said smooth sailing in career, also means that to marry a loving wife.

Women dream of compost, suggests a good men marry a economic conditions.

The farmer spring sowing, autumn harvest is the done thing, if you want to harvest, need fertilization, feces, of course, is the preferred fertilizers.If a person's metabolism, defecation also naturally.Dream of yellow is the symbol of wealth and rich of excrement and urine, if the smelly, but also dream.

Dream of irrigation, usually expressed in financial or emotional.

Dream of set no fields to grow crops watered, indicated for just making plans, or are just beginning to sprout the feelings of the pay.

A man dreaming that I am in irrigate fields, said the dreamer is a right choice goals would dare to input, a bright future, full of hope.

A manDream of a womanIrrigate fields that will make a fortune.

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