Dream of reading hands

What is the meaning of dream of reading hands?Dream dream of reading hands?Dream of reading hands have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of reading hands the detailed solution.

Dream of reading hands

Reading hands, that is, wonton.Is a kind of appearance similar to dumplings snacks.But with the dumpling has a different meaning.In the dream, reading hands, often represent a kind of hidden power behind the scenes.

Dream of reading hands, wonton, good omen, family harmony happiness.

Dream of package meat reading hands, wonton, indicates his will receive assistance, can help you solve some difficult problems.

Dream of BaoSu reading hands, wonton, says he will have a good reputation.

Dream of eating meat reading hands, wonton, said he would be surprise upset all plan.

Dreaming that I am eating the bowel of hand, portend to body health and longevity.

Patient dreamt of eating reading hands, wonton, the body will soon recover.

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