Dream of a lottery ticket

Dream about lottery is what mean?Dream dream of lottery?Dream about lottery has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream about lottery tickets of the detailed solution.

Dream of a lottery ticket

Dreaming that a lottery ticket, I am interested in lottery also, say you will do some worthless things, and you will make a final proof is very unlucky to travel.

If the dream of smoke to the lucky number, you will end up in a let you worried, feel anxious and made money.

Dream of someone else's winning the lottery, said the cheerful banquets and pastime, said a lot of friends together.

If the dream of not winning, you will be a victim of other people intrigue, it will let you do prospects, let people depressed.

youngA womanDream of any form of lottery, said her work careless, she would marry a husband is not very reliable, let oneself very frustrated.

Dream of lottery, said in your business will encounter against your friends, your love will only bring you a temporary happiness.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: lottery main frustration.Most lottery prize, in dream means depression.Dream to participate in drawing, suggesting that the business will encounter trouble, goods may be slow, let you lose everything, to save the loss, you only hope that the lottery ticket.This is a gambler, businessmen pay attention to smart, how could you do this silly thing?To think about your business, and are always available.Men dreamed of lottery, will be depressed.Person in the troubled time is always eager to rich, lottery is one of their methods, only the killing probability is very small, so, nine times out of ten people draw, will be depressed.Quick adjust state of mind.

Psychoanalysis: dream of not winning, suggesting that will get others gifts of property.Women dream of lottery, suggesting that her husband will lose economic source.Men have no economy source, women can only dream to dream to seek comfort by now.

Dreamed of lottery case analysis (from)

Description: dream the dream I grasp award with the people to a surge of the scene, the entire field was a sea of people, very busy.I began to seriously to catch awards, caught a few times, didn't get anything.I think: rich not rich oppressors, or to yourself, don't think it will hit the good luck.(women, 20 years old)

Dreams resolution: dream of lottery tickets, is to remind you don't waste time on useless things.Dream to catch a lottery, it shows that you have in mind for the draw, grasp the prize, the bet is interested in similar things, and willing to participate in such activities.Dream of in the scratch lottery, is to remind you not to invest time in these meaningless game, ignored the vocation.

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