Dream of weapon

What is the meaning of dream of weapon?Dream dream of weapon?Dream of weapon with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dream armed detailed solution.

Dream of weapon

Dream of the weapon in the rain, it is not good signal.

Heroes dream of in the rain to make weapons, bespeak there will not be known for success.Can be buried.

Sometimes the symbolic dream of weapons.

A womanDreamed a man armed attack she often represent to her sexual desires.In the dream, and women see men armed with knives and swords often frighten hurriedlyescapeThe in the mind, but in fact these dreamer is need a man in a more active, more aggressive attitude to treat her.Dreamer really fear is her desire in my heart, want to be a man to conquer, hope a man in possession of her sex.

Sometimes is also a representative men dreamed of weapons, especially the "enemy" in the dreams are women.But other times, it represents attack, hostility, anger, but most of the victims of the attack and the attacker is yourself, is a different part of your heart.Sometimes, weapon used to self-defense, to fight the terrible enemy, this often means that you life too anxious.

Zhouyi dream

Dream of varying degrees of powerful weapons symbol.Lost dream weapons, pay out, throw away or give away or sell off or stolen or damaged or destroyed or lent is damaging to a symbol of power.

Dream of weapon combat is the symbol of arguing with people.

Dream of people is to talk about with the arrow symbol of sb.

Dream with their arrows are a symbol of authority comments in the letter.

Dream with a stick or whip is cleared odd time from the symbol of all blame.

Dreamed off other people's heads, cut the meat of others, or various body organs are made mischief, signs of calumniatory others of the same flesh and blood relationship.

Dream has no scabbard for sword holding in your hand is in charge of trillion.

Dream of hilt og signs of damage to their parents.Every dream hilt is good or bad, all to the good or ill luck of parents.

Dream of blade is damaged and other female relatives for his mother or grandmother.

Ghafar said moshe, armed with a sword and dreamkillDisappear blood are talking about is a symbol of the people.

Dreamed that he was killed while blood is sin and seriously disobey the signs of Allah.

Dream of murderbleedingHe had been contaminated by blood is being, or it is a filthy lucre.

Dream of her sword is authorized to sign.Wear are not qualified for too long is force, indecision.Wear too short is not long, not good.Broken sword to wear as a sign of departure.

Dream of a sword rusting language though, people is not easy to accept, or will be gave birth to a stupid incompetent son.Another theory is that it is no good to get a position.Dream of sword symbol no edge or slow is not useless.

Dream of armed with spears and other weapons are authorized and successful and symbol.If only there is no other weapon is a spearsonOr signs of younger brother.Put on no blame is a daughter.The merits of the spear to a mood somehow in what had happened.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream to make weapons, in the rain.The main hero stuck, not young, cannot work.The folding of the hide of trillion."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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