Dream of the lightning rod

Dream of lightning rod is what mean?Dream dream of lightning rod, ok?Dream of lightning rod have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of lightning rod of the detailed solution.

Dream of the lightning rod

Your dream of lightning rod, said a job was done very well, but unexpectedly face major difficulties, cause failure.

Dream of lightning rod failure, someone was killed by a bolt of lightning wounded, suggesting that there will be unexpected unfortunate events or messages to give you grief.

Dreamed that you install the lightning rod to protect themselves, is suggested you before to make a new investment to careful consideration, avoid setbacks and loss.

Dream of dismantling the lightning rod, say you will change the plan, increase interest.

Dream of a lot of lightning rod is installed in every corner, said you have all kinds of unfortunate events.

Dream of the lightning rod

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