Measured at work

The work you do now is do you like?Are you interested in?How big is your upside, we test to see together!

1, do you cook, like cooking?

Do your own, like - > 2

Do yourself, don't like to 3

Don't do - 4

2, the following three types of stones, do you like best?

Jade - > 5

Agate - > 3

Crystal - > 4

3, go to KTV to sing, you will take this opportunity to appreciate the MV?

Not sure - 5

He will - 4

He won't - 6

The upside for measurement in the work _ psychological test

4, cloth tend to take what you do?

Old clothes - 6

Specifically to buy a piece of cloth - 7

Old towel - 5

5, after eating a piece of ice cream, you also like to eat the ice cream sticks?

Sometimes - 6

Like a bite bite - 7

He never - 8

6, when you watch the news like watching in comments?

Sometimes see - 7

He liked - 8

He never watch - 9

7, what do you think of the mask?

It is necessary to use and buy the effect should be better - 9

It is necessary to use, but it is best to natural - 8

It is not necessary to use - 10

8, are you interested in collect all maps?

Very interested in - > C

He is not interested in - 10

A little interest - 9

9, you sure is cheap is not good?

Totally believe - > A

There are good and inexpensive - 10

Don't believe - > B

10, if a friend long time no contact, you usually is the one in the initiative to contact?

Not necessarily - > - > A

Yes - > C

Not to B

Test results:

The upside for measurement in the work related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query