The local tyrants are willing to make friends with you

The local tyrants are willing to make friends with you

Do you want to know the local tyrants are willing to make friends with you?Want to know the answer, will quickly test!

【 title 】

1, do you have study for perfume?

Research - 2

A little bit

No - 4

2, you raised silkworms?

Raised a lot of time

Raised to 4 at a time

No - 5

3, chatting on the Internet at ordinary times, you also like to eat snacks?

Not sure - 4

Not to 5

Yes - 6

4, eat apples can you peel?

Will - 5

No - 6

Not sure - 7

The local tyrants are willing to make friends with you? _ psychological test

5, if to make a model, you first think of would be which of the following shapes?

Triangle - 6

Lozenge - 7

Round - 8 -

6, see a good-looking car on the outside, you'll go to see what brand of seriously?

Will - 7

Don't - 8 -

Not sure - 9

7, do you like collecting stamps?

Love - 8

General - 9

Don't like - 10

8, if to go abroad to settle down, will you choose which of the following countries?

Thailand - 9

South Korea - 10

The United States - 11

9, washgrapesWhen you are on the tap directly, or on the water?

Not sure, see the mood - 10

To tap directly to 11

In birdbath - 12

10, what kind of books do you like to watch?

Poems, prose - 11

Romance novels - 12

Science fiction - C

11, you are a people like to follow suit?

Yes - 12

Not a - B

General - A

12, do you like diy dessert?

Love - A

- C

Don't like, also didn't do it - B

Test results:

The local tyrants are willing to make friends with you, please

The duke of zhou interprets of query