You today's mood is good

You today's mood is good

How about your mood today?Is excited or depressed?Come a little interesting test!

【 title 】

Summer, a young man sitting on a park chair reading a book, see the sample like the examinee, I saw she was watching a like English reference books.All of a sudden, she closed the book, please guess what reason she closed the book.

1, because want to sleep, so a book as the pillow, on the chair and began to sleep.

2, because feel pressed for time, then look at the English, after going to reread don't immediately.

3, suddenly feel to the thunder shower, then close the book in a hurry.Ready to go home

Don't worry about oh, your answer for you!

You today's mood is good? _ psychological tests

Test results to see the next page:

What do you in good mood today

The duke of zhou interprets of query