Your mood will be influenced by others

Your mood will be influenced by others

Your mood will be affected by others?Want to know the answer, quick to do a small test!

【 title 】

1, to see their latest photos, what you have in mind?

Don't feel good - > 2

He felt very good - 4

Think he can - 6

2, do you think of after some years there will be something to upset?

He often think of - 3

He never thought - 5

Occasionally thought - 7

3, you will be friends, colleagues or classmates played a nickname, sarcasm?

Often the case - 4

He never - 7

The occasional - 9

4. Go to bed later, do you often up again, look at the doors and Windows,The toiletThe lights off good have no?

So often. - > 5

He never so - 6

So occasionally - 7

5, and you are satisfied to the most closely relationship with you?

Not satisfied - 10

Very pleased to 11

The basic satisfaction - 12

6, in the middle of the night, do you think are often afraid of?

He often - 7

He never - 9

It happens occasionally - 10

7, do you often wake up by dreamed what terrible things?

He often - 11

No - > 13

Once in a while - > 15

8, have you ever had the same dream for several times?

A - > 9

No - > 10

He can't remember - 13

9, have a kind of food that you eat after vomiting?

Has 11 -

No - 12

He can't remember - 13

10, removal of see the world outside, you have the other world?

Has 11 -

No - > 13

Can't remember - > 15

11, do you often feel not born to parents now?

He often - 12

No - 14

The occasional - 15

12, do you think some people love you or respect you?

He is - 13

No - 14

He couldn't say for sure - 15

13, do you often feel your family is bad for you, but you know they are very good for you?

He is - 14

No - > 15

Once in A while - A

14 and if you don't feel 80% know your people?

He is - 15

No - > C

Say not clear - > D

15, most often when you in the morning feeling is what?

Blue - > B

Happiness - A

Speak not clear - > D

The answer lies in the following, then read on!

Your emotions will be influenced by others? _ psychological test

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Your emotions will be influenced by others, please

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