Can let you higher eq lover

Can let you higher eq lover

Emotional intelligence is a very important thing, sometimes low eq more terrible than the low IQ.Eq can exercise, IQ, of course, also can change.No one is born high emotional intelligence, experience, emotional nature will also be higher.Depends on how high is your eq, see you in dealing with feelings, would be able to deal with, so now what you and what kind of people together in love can let your emotional intelligence is higher and higher?

1, always dare you sincerely to face his own heart?

Yes - 2

Dare not to 6

Don't know - 4

Test can make you up emotional intelligence lover _ psychological tests

2, do you often like to heap until tomorrow what to do today?

Yes - 7

Not - 3

Ok - 5

3, what do you think of horror films is what attitude?

Scared - 8

Non-inductive - 9

Boring - 12

4, you can to see the happy scene of others and feel inexplicable joy?

Yes - 7

Not - 3

Ok - 11

5, do you have often no bole found you this horse?

Yes - 8 -

Not 13

Ok - 12

6, the following 3 kinds of color of the horse, do you like best?

White - 10

Black - 3

Brown - 5

7, before going out, you must:

Look in the mirror - 9

onThe toilet- 14

Drink water - 12

Eight, to make decisions on their own, you often feel regret?

Yes - 16

Not to 15

A good - 19

9, do you like of nosing about for grapevine message?

Yes - 15

Not to 18

Ok - 20

10, do you have a collection of used laptop as a child?

Yes - 8 -

No - 5

Maybe, somewhere at home - 13

11, if you choose to use mobile phone myself, the following three fields, which do you prefer?

In the face of the mirror - 14

The window - 9

The balcony - 7

12, you big circle of friends?

Big - 20

Small - 16

Ok - 15

Test can make you up emotional intelligence lover _ psychological tests

13, looked in the mirror, you often:

Can't help to squeeze blackheads - 17

Abandon yourself - 16

Love yourself - 19

14 now, if you can choose a part of the body to make it perfect, you want is:

The waist - 9

Face -

The leg - 18

15, for you, would you rather own chest looks:

Bigger - D

More forceful - C

Some thin - B

16, you usually wear the garment?

Yes - D

Not - C

Ok, intermittent wear - E

17, at ordinary times you will wear what kind of material of underwear?

Cotton - F

Chiffon - E

Not necessarily - 19

18, the following three kinds of buffet, which do you like best?

Hot pot - A

Barbecue - 20

Seafood - B

19, the mood is bad, can't tell to others, you will choose:

Listening to music - F

Go to bed - D

The Internet - E

20, do you ever feel you often think a little too much?

A - C

No - B

Ok - A

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