Measure your spending habits

Measure your spending habits

The money, surely everyone not unfamiliar, and very familiar with, money is what we human beings less desirable.Don't have money, you do not have enough to eat and wear not warm, no money, can't buy the thing that oneself like, no money, can't go to visit all over the world, no money.There are a lot of things not to do, so what are your spending habits, we test together!

In a restaurant, you're bound to see such a scene: a man very strain of waiting for someone.Who do you think he will be waiting for?The following several guess, you think the most likely chosen?

A, the girlfriend

B, the former girlfriend

C, two women

D, old classmates

Measure your spending habits _ psychological tests

Test results to see the next page:

Test your spending habits

The duke of zhou interprets of query