How good are you discount temptation resistance

How good are you discount temptation resistance

Life, you have much stronger ability to resist the temptation of discount?Come and do a little test to tell you the answer!

【 title 】

One day you are at home in the afternoon to play computer games, suddenly received a strange phone call.You inquired about the along while, the other party didn't make any noise, but vaguely can hear each other's laughter, at this time what do you do?

A. directly hung up the telephone.

B. "little younger sister, you're wanted on the phone!"To push the problem to others.

C. to switch to answer hands-free way, continue to play computer games, deliberately wasting the other side of the phone bill

D. will scold your meal, and then hang up the phone.

The answer lies in the following, then read on!

How good are you discount temptation resistance _ psychological test

Test results to see the next page:

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