Dog zodiac pairing marriage

  Belong to the dogZodiac pairing marriage

Dog zodiac pairing marriage

Zodiac matching - the dog

With tiger: alarmist dog supported by a strong tiger, tiger also need the dog's loyalty.

With rabbit: careful rabbit will support the dog in the dark, and the dog will like the kind of rabbit.

With pig: you can get to know each other each other's needs, respect each other.

Cream with dragon, cattle, quoted as other times.

The dog

Male dog + female mouse: ideal, the woman's character is gentle, can make each other feel marriage is full of warmth.

Female dog + male mouse: very happy, because both sides are willing to offer both sides.

Male dog + female cow: not very comfortable.

Female dog + male cattle: some difficult, there are differences in both views.

The male dog + female tiger: life together or can be, but may be relatively flat.

Female dog + male tiger: can get along well, because have a common ideal, can be together.

Male dog + female rabbit: life is peace, goodwill, can to create a comfortable life together.

Female dog + male rabbit: partner will appreciate the man's faithful and peace.

Male dog + female dragon: get along with.The woman will not blindly worship of others, often feel have more important things to do.

Female dog + male dragon: the woman is easy to find the sincerity of the man, but too proud of the man but don't make the woman happy.

Male dog + female snake: I can live a happy life, a man can give you a peaceful, harmonious family.

Female dog + male snake: when this combination compare, the man's independence ability is stronger, the woman will think with such a man is steadfast.

Male dog + female horse: marriage is a happy, either.

Female dog + male horse: can live together, don't pay attention to their own ideal and ignore the rest.

The male + female sheep dog: a good marriage.

Female dog + male sheep: happiness is not far away, need understanding and efforts of both sides.

Male dog + female monkey: life more harmonious.The reality on both sides, both sides can agree with each other.

Female dog + male monkey: good marriage, but, sometimes both sides tend to lovers, this is often the woman felt uneasy.

The male dog + female chickens: is not very good, because the character is very different, if one can tolerate, things will get better.

Female dog + male chicken: marriage is not too ideal, need patience and tolerance to each other.

Male + female dog: dogs can get along with, but there may be some small trouble with life.

Male dog + female pig: relationships and at ease.Generosity is the common benefits.

Female dog + male pig: almost a match made in heaven, because the two sides can complement each other both in personality and life.

Dog animal sign of the marriage law

(1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

Marriage: tiger (Yin), rabbit (frame), ma (lunch)

Remind: in different dog, its mating animal sign is different:

S born in January, the carefree, women should be matched in the men, men should match the chicken in women.

S born in February, the challenging, male, female should match the year of the tiger men should match in the women.

S born in March, the very real, men, women should match the year of the rat men should match the pig women.

S born in April, the ambition is big, women should match the horse men, men should be with a women to the year of the ox.

S born in May, the direct and lovely, men should match the horse women, women should match dragon male.

S born in June, keep a money, women should match the year of the ox men, men should match the year of the tiger women.

S born in July, kind, cheerful, men should match dragon women, women should match the year of the tiger.

S born in August, the critical, women should match the year of the rabbit, men should match the horse women.

S born in September, freely, men should match the year of the tiger women, women should match the horse men.

S born in October, right kind, women should match the snake years men, men should match the snake in women.

S born in November, had the presence of a fight, women should match the horse men, men women should match the year of the rat.

S born in December, the singular, men, women should match the year of the rat men should match the horse women.

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