Dr Zheng in August 2016, zodiac type fortunes

Dr Zheng zodiac type fortunes

Everyone from the point of luck, luck is good or bad, not only related to their own numerology, but also related to flow in month, in different fortunes have different nature.

The rat

Fortune index: u u u u do

Finances: are goods continue to rise.

The partial goods are goods: investment need to be careful.

Partial goods: partial goods could encounter haze.

The eye is people borrowing, lending this month.

Remind: the partnership investment temporarily.

The cow

Fortune index: u u u u

Finances: are goods partial money back slightly.

Is money: are basic can be feasible.

Partial goods: partial goods need to be careful this month.

Borrowing: taboo friend money to gain.

Remind: don't covet quick hot money.

The tiger

Fortune index: u u u

Finances: money continue to cut this month.

Is money: money waste is difficult to avoid leakage.

Partial goods: partial goods so trouble easily.

Borrowing: investment lending backfire.

Remind: you obviously lead to financial ruin.

The rabbit

Fortune index: u u u u

Finances: money this month.

Is money: money clutching wait-and-see.

Partial goods: futures shall not be involved in stock market.

Temporarily stop borrowing, lending investment.

Remind: stability is overwhelming.


Fortune index: u u u u

Finances: this month money back from the dead.

Is money: are fiscal investment can be appropriately.

Partial goods: partial goods stock or not.

Borrowing, lending investment zheng big eyes.

Remind: play SIMS you still need to continue.

The snake

Fortune index: u u u u do

Finances: money upward trend this month.

Is money: reap gratifying need calm.

Partial goods: partial fiscal investment fair to middling.

Borrowing, lending target before investment.

Remind: financial right bonanza.

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