Dream of the rent

What's the meaning of dream of rent?Dream dream of rent good?Dream of rents have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see below (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed about rent a detailed solution.

Dreamed of rental _ duke of zhou interprets the dream what is the meaning of dream to dream the rent is good _ _ duke of zhou interprets website

Dreamed about someone to collect the rent that could be a time of economic distress, modest income.

Dream of you to collect the rent, also said to reduce the income, economic state of tension.

A womanDream of someone to collect the rent, may also said family life will meet the financial crisis, get into trouble.

A man dreamed that he offered to pay the rent, is the work is smooth, is expected to get promoted and rewarded.

Woman dreaming that I am going to pay the rent, predicted the husband income increase.

A man dreamed that he delivered rent, get parents a lot of gifts.

Unmarried women dreamed that he pay the rent, suggest might marry into poor families.

Dreaming that I can't afford to pay the rent, it is unlucky to dream.Predicted decline in trade and social activities has little or no good for you.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: rent the main goods.The rent is a regular income, but not their own efforts, represents the money does not belong to you.

Psychoanalysis: dream of collecting rent, is inauspicious, means that the hand of money does not belong to oneself, to financial ruin, or destruction.If it is women dream of collecting rent, main sources are suggesting that a woman's money is a husband or parents, this dream means the family health problems may occur.Dream of taxes, is auspicious.A man dreamed that pay the rent, income will increase.Men dreamed of rent, the enterprise will be successful.Unmarried men dreamed that pay the rent, the parents would give him a lot of real estate.Women dream of rent, her husband's income will increase.Unmarried woman dreamed to pay rent, although will marry to the poor, but can get family love.

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